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1. Name: Kat

2. Age: Sixteen, I think.

3. Location: I like to pretend I live somewhere interesting.... But I don't.

4. When did you first started writing? Around 11

5. What was your first book? A monster encyclopedia but I also made a story about a mad scientist who turned ipeople into werewolves by making them ride a roller coaster. Also there was time travel and a brother and sister.

6. How did you find wattpad? A friend.

7. What are your favorite genre's? Horror, fantasy, and romance.

8. What is your favorite book or books? Inheritance cycle, vladimir todd, Howl's moving castle, it's kind of a funny story....

9. How many stories have you written? A lot.... Around 10-15

10. Give me one of your best story summary? It doesn't end with happiness and running into each other's arms. It doesn't have the small smiles and wondrous glances. It doesn't begin with a touch and end with beating hearts and heavy breaths. There is nothing to suggest that they were teens at heart. That they fell into each other's arms. And kissed in the rain. That the love they felt was stronger than the eternal flame of life. Because this is not a love story.

11. How far along are you in your stories? Most are completed but I have two in progress.

12. When do you think you will complete your stories? Couple weeks maybe.

13. Tell me a little about yourself... If I suck at something, then I tend to have a mental breakdown over it. I like to speak to the characters in my head. I have my funeral planned out. I put so much emotion in my stories that I'm surprised people find them coherent. My favorite color is the rainbow. I wish to do a lot of things, but so far I've done nothing.

14. Do you have any advice for other writers? Keep writing. Write a little. A lot. Ignore what your English teacher says. But make sure to read your stories over and over... or don't. Watch out because the grammar nazis will come after you. Don't be afraid to be an idiot when writing. Avoid Mary sue's and creatures that your horrible at explaining. But mostly just write what you want and don't be obnoxious.

15. Why is reading and writing such an important part of your life? I want to do it for a living. They makes me smarter. Has prevented from doing stupid things. Has made me do stupid things. They are the ones that know me the most. I don't know what I would do without them.

16. Do you have any pets? Two dogs.

17. What is your favorite animal? A dragon.

18. What is your favorite movie? The Breakfast Club

19. What is your favorite televison show? Glee

20. What do you plan to do in the future? Die

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