There I Stand

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There I stand, at the highest point on Earth,

I stretch my hands and hit the clouds,

and there I fly around the sun's girth,

Cover the demons with pure shrouds,

There I stand,

Where no Love authority is higher than mine,

There I stand,

In a throne that crowns me, the lovers' divine,

O'my beloved,for all  the moments we share,

And for all the hatred that vanished like dust in thin air,

Hold me I'm about to fall,

The wind Is blowing,

Storms are clashing,

and O'hh I'm standing at the edge,

Save me, O'darling Save me!

From your Love won't you save me?

Nevermore I need a glorious might,

though for long I've been waiting,

for a love that crushes me,

and collects me like broken crystals,

Brings me down beneath the earth,

While I sing O'darling I love you,

For long I've been waiting,

For a woman, that makes me cry,

and stay for nights wondering,

How love can be cruel,

Never Love me,

O'darling never do.

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