Chapter 10: Part 2?

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Well sorry everyone its a false alarm but, I would love it if you ladies and gentlemen can read my new book called UNIQUE BEAUTY, I would appreciate it.

Here's a sneak peak!:

|Ciara: 14 years old|

"You know your a worthless piece of shit, I don't understand, why I even bother to take care of your black ass" Ciara father, James, said.

"I never asked for you to take care of me, you were never in my life when I was younger anyways," Ciara said as tears came out of her eyes," I want my mother back."

Ciara mother had recently died in a car accident about 9 months ago and she had to live with her father, in the eyes of Ciara it was a living hell.

"If you don't want me to take care of you get out of my house" he yelled," no, I'll take you out my self"

James had went over to his 14 year old daughter and pulled a good grip of her long natural hair and pulled her toward the door

You have to go on my page and click on the book to find out what happened next.

I really hope you guys decide to read it, if you love this book you would love that book, it has lots of drama also. I might update tomorrow or maybe this weekend

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