Chapter 3

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Warning: Swearing, fucking sexy Virge

I showed early to school, waiting for Virgil to come. I was too excited to see my handy work, I ended up being way too early. Luckily I had Patton here to keep me company.

It seemed like we were waiting forever. Where could he be?! The bell was going to ring any minute now!

My thoughts were quickly interrupted by a couple of hushed whispers around me. Patton nudged my arm and pointed towards the door. I did not regret looking.

There in the doorway was Virgil and he looked hot.

He was wearing tight black ripped jeans that didn't leave any room to the imagination. A darkish grey band t-shirt hugged his torso in all the right ways a long with a purple and black flannel. He wore ankle high combat boots and had black eyeliner to top the whole outfit off.

I don't know why, but my face lit up like a christmas tree. Why was it so warm in here?

Virgil was swaying his hips slightly as he made his way down the hall, a smirk never leaving his face. All eyes were on the strange grey eyed emo as he walked down the hallway and into class.

I quickly followed, hoping no one noticed how fast I walked after Virgil. When I got in the class, I looked for Virgil before heading towards him.

"You don't look half bad JD-lightful." I commented, being mostly sure that my voice was an octave higher.

Virgil gave me a strange looked before responding. "Thanks to you Mr. Obsessed with his own hair, but this is only step one. You still need to make me popular." He crossed his arms, raising his eyebrow.

I just rolled my eyes. "I know I know. Listen, I got to get to my class, but ill see you after school."

He just nodded and shooed me away. Rude. I scowled before leaving his classroom, heading to my own class. I don't know why, but something about this emo made my chest flutter and my face hot.



I hope you are having a great day/night!

Take it easy guys, gals, and my fellow non-binary pals! Peace out!


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