Chapter 1

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Warning: Swearing

  Class was almost over and I had no idea what was going on. I didn't understand anything the teacher was saying and it didn't help that I couldn't get that strange boy out of my head. I kept glancing back at him to find him either eyeing me or taking notes.

If I didn't know any better, id say he was a grade A nerd without the glasses.

As soon as class was over, I packed my things and made my way over to him. He must of expected me to come, because he was already packed up and waiting for me. "Hello, Im Roman. I couldn't help but notice you."

Virgil just looked at me with an annoyed look. "You're friends with popular kids right?"

I was a bit confused by this question, but nodded none the less. He seemed to light up a bit.

"Perfect. Look, I know you're struggling in these classes. I want to make a deal with you." He said, his voice sounding a bit cocky.

"Yes?" I awnsered, still very confused yet intrigued with this boy.

"I will help you pass your classes if you get me popular."

His request was strange, but I really did need help with my classes. "Deal."

"Cool, now leave me alone until after school." He stood up from his desk.

"That's a bit rude." I crossed my arms, raising an eyebrow.

"Its the rude people who make it in this world. Meet me by the flag poles and don't be late." He pushed passed me and left the room.

This boy was very strange. Usually people are very nice and understanding, but he was different. It was an interesting yet drastic change.

I made my way to the next class, still unable to get Virgil off my mind.

The day seemed to fly by after my encounter with the strange boy and the next thing I knew, I was headed for the flag poles.

Virgil was leaning against one of the poles, a pair of headphones resting around his neck with a wire trailing into his sweat pant pocket. I looked him up and down before walking up. "Ready to go?" I asked.

He just looked at me and nodded. "My place or your place?"

"Uhm.." I thought for a second. "Your place?" I asked, curious to see where he lived.

"Sure whatever." Virgil stood up straight and started walking away. I quickly followed, hoping this wasn't some kind of trap.

Look! I updated!

I hope you are enjoying this story so far and I hope you are have a great day/night!

Take it easy guys, gals, and my fellow non-binary pals! Peace out!


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