Chapter 2

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Warning: Swearing

It felt like Virgil and I were walking for forever. I legit think he is taking me somewhere to murder me. I watched him walk, he didn't look at me or anything really, he just looked forward with a dead expression. I wonder what happened to him.

Even though it was only six pm, it was dark by the time we got to his house, which was a lovely green house covered by plants. I followed him inside. "Just wait here while I quickly tell my mom your here."

That's not nerve wracking at all. I decided too look at the family photos hung in the walls, seeing pictures of Virgil and two adults, probably his mom and Dad. Virgil still had grey eyes in all these pictures. Come to think of it, his entire family didn't look very happy.

Not long after, Virgil came and got me, leading me to his room. It was like any other typical emo teenagers room, dark and gloomy though it did have some tints of purple here and there.

Virgil flopped back onto the bed. "So how does one become popular?"

"Well, you might need to change how you dress." I explained, looking him up and down.

He gave me the dirtiest look Ive probably ever seen in my life time. "What's wrong with how I look?"

"Well, sweats and an old shirt is not going to get you popular. I'm thinking black ripped jeans and a tight grey or.. Purple shirt."

The look on his face was priceless. "Ugh whatever. Fine, but I don't think I've ever worn a tight shirt in my life. So... I'm gonna need to get one somehow." He started rummaging through his dresser. "You're lucky I kept my ripped jeans."

I reached into my backpack and pulled out my wallet. "Do you have a store somewhere near here?"

"Yeah, there's a Walmart just down the street, but they don't really like me there so you're gonna have to go by yourself." Virgil laid on his bed, pulling out his phone.

I just rolled my eyes and left the room, pulling up the Walmart of Google Maps. It took about ten minutes to get there, down the street my ass. I quickly made my way to the clothes and picked out a few shirts that looked like Virgil's style, mostly black and greys, but I made sure to put in some purple. After paying, I hurried back to his house.

I laid out the different shirts in front of Virgil and he completely ignored me. It took me a few tries to get his full attention.

He took one look at the shirts and I could see his anxiety kicking in. "Don't worry. You'll look great!" I tried to comfort him.

He went to say something before we heard a door close. I watched his face turn into one of fear. "Quick! Out the window. Be quiet when leaving." He whisper yelled, pushing me towards his window.

Without thinking twice, I grabbed my back and leapt out the window. Virgil's window was right over a small hedge, giving me a very uncomfortable landing, but I was scared of what would happen if I stayed behind.

I hope Virgil will be okay..


I hope you guys are having a great day/night and I hope you are enjoying this story so far.

Take it easy guys, gals, and my fellow non-binary pals! Peace out!


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