:Conflict Thirteen:

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"It's a good thing today's Saturday." Ema-chan stretched her body as she stood right in front of her window. "We could sleep late and wake up late without worrying about school."

I just nodded. I knew that Ema-chan had a role to play here at their home. She was suppose to wake up early and prepare breakfast but she stayed in later than usual to accompany me. She knew I needed someone to cry on and she stayed just for me.

Ema-chan gave me a spare of her clothes to change into. She also lent me a spare toothbrush. And so we got ready for the day.

We went out of her room after a moment and went straight to the dining room where breakfast was finally being served by a certain blond with blue eyes. He was wearing an apron and underneath was a red shirt.

"Ah," We were finally near a seat when he finally went out of the kitchen with plates in hand. "You must be Rin-san, huh?" He asked with a smile and I nodded. "Please take a seat. Breakfast will be served a moment."

The warm welcome from Ema-chan's brothers were new to me. I never felt the warm welcome from the mansion so I was kind of shock because of the treatment I was suddenly getting. Ema-chan pulled a seat and motioned for me to sit. She took the one beside mine and happily sat down.

"The others will be a bit late since it's a Saturday," She whispered beside me. "so we can go ahead."

I nodded and smiled. We started breakfast without waiting for her other brothers. But after a while, one by one they started to appear, taking their usual seats with a yawn.

First one to arrive was Asahina-kun who wasn't even surprised to see me here at their dining table. Then next one was an elementary kid who I believed was their youngest, Wataru.

"Good morning." He greeted with a yawn, taking his seat.

Ema-chan giggled. "Good morning, Wataru-chan."

"Wataru, good morning." Ema-chan's brother with the blond hair and blue eyes greeted as well, placing Wataru-kun's plate in front of him, and the child started to eat without noticing I was there.

When he was finally awake, his eyes almost bulged from his sockets and forcefully gulped his brealfast.

"I see you're finally awake, Wataru-chan." Ema-chan said with an amused smile. Wataru-kun just nodded. "Wataru-chan, this is my friend, Rin-chan. She slept here last night."

Wataru-kun's surprised look was immediately replaced by an overly ecstatic one, his eyes shining with so much excitement for I don't know why. He looked happy to see me and it was, once again, new to me as even Mamoru-kun never showed that kind of face in front of me.

I waved a hand. "Hello, Wataru-kun."

"Is she a new onee-chan?" He asked excitedly and Ema-chan shook her head.

"No, Wataru-chan but she would be a new playmate."

"Yey!" He tossed his hands in the air. "I have a new onee-chan to play with."

"Not exactly," Ema-chan shook her head. "but yes you'll have to play games with her."

I can't help but smile at Wataru-kun's excitement of having me around. It was fresh and a bit overwhelming. But the happiness that I'm feeling is a good feeling than the one I've been keeping bottled up inside my chest for more than a few months living with my stepbrothers.

I think I'd rather live here than be with them.

When Ema-chan, Wataru-kun and I finished breakfast, Wataru-kun forced me to come with him to his room. He showed his two big stuffed bunnies. Being a bunny person, I looked at the stuffed bubbies with awe and even more when I found out that these bunnies were made by their eldest brother, Masaomi, who was a pediatrician.

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