:Conflict Two:

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Right now I am at school, my face on my desk as I tried to remember what I did wrong last night. I kept groaning and messing my hair every time I can't remember anything wrong. Even this morning, Daiki-kun kept on glaring at me for no reason.

"Good morning, Rin-chan." Ema-chan greeted the moment she entered the room using the second door at the back,with Asahina-kun tailing behind her.

I raised my head and look at Ema-chan, then immediately replaced my frown into a smile. "Good morning, Ema-chan. Did you do our homework?"

She nodded. "Of course. Don't tell me you didn't do it again?"

I laughed awkwardly and rubbed my nape. "You know me so well, Ema-chan."

Ema-chan brought out her physics notebook from her blue, rectangular bag and lend it to me. I once again gave her a sheepish smile and thanked her for lending me her notebook.

I sat properly and brought out my notebook and mechanical pencil from my bag and started to copy Ema-chan's homework.


"I apologize if I've been like this for the couple of years, everyone." I apologized to Ema-chan, Rei-chan, and Ai-chan.

It's already lunch break and we're having lunch at the most cliche places in every shojo manga, the rooftop. I clasped my hands together like I'm praying and once again apologized.

Ai-chan sighed. "I thought you'll change?" Then she turned her eyes to playfully glare at Ema-chan. "And I thought you'll stop helping her?"

Ema-chan giggled. "Sorry about that, Aiko-chan. I just can't resist Rin-chan."

We all opened our bento boxes and blurted out a 'itadakimasu' then started to dig in. But the moment I was about to chomp on my spoon with food, I remembered the dinner last night with my stepbrothers.

I put my spoon down, frowning and stared at my bento box that the maids made. The three noticed my quietness and started to look at me with question marks popping out of their heads.

They all asked me what's wrong, which made me smile a little bit to guarantee them that I'm alright. But my face immediately fell. Then Ai-chan started to open her mouth to tell me to open up.

I sighed in defeat and told them about everything. "Sorry for worrying. It's just that one of my stepbrothers is treating me differently from what I'd expect him to treat me."

Then they looked at me, worry, curiosity and thinking of my idiocy (mostly Ai-chan's thinking of that) written on their faces. I just stared at my bento box."It's different from Ema-chan's story. Her brothers are all welcoming while mine are cold. The house is so still and no laughter or talking can be heard inside the house. I thought that I would finally have a happy family living with."

Then felt a pat on my head. I raised my head and looked at the person who did that. My eyes widen in surprise at the sight of coal-colored eyes and hair. It was Ai-chan comforting me. This is so surprising because she seldom-- I mean never be the one to comfort us.

She heaved out a heavy sigh and closed her eyes. "Don't worry. It's just been a day and you're already concluding things." She then opened her coal eyes while her black rimmed glasses glowed with the bright light of the sun. "Your stepbrothers will start to warm up to you. Soon. Besides, we all don't have similar stepbrothers, right? Ema and you may have stepbrothers but your stepbrothers don't have the same personalities. Try to know them better."

The whole day, I've been thinking of what Ai-chan said. I didn't even had the chance to take down important notes because of how deep I was thinking. The words kept on replaying inside my head like a broken tape being played.

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