:Conflict Seven:

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I was sitting on my bed while reading a book when I suddenly heard someone running from outside my door. I stood up and approached the door with curiosity written all over my face, dropping the book on my bed.

I opened the door and saw the younger maids running towards one room in panic and fear. I watched them enter and I flinched when a familiar voice shouted in rage. Nevertheless I stood outside.

"Who the hell asked you to clean my room?" The voice asked, his voice rising with every word. "I haven't given you the permission to enter, clean even!"

Every door here opened and heads popped out to see what was happening. The younger ones watched with fear, while the older ones raised an eyebrow with what was happening.

The maids were left silent as their head were bent low for a bow. Their eyebrows curved down to emphasize their fear for the blue-head.

"I left this room open because it felt like I don't trust you if I locked it." He hissed as he looked around his room and messed his hair in irritation, his bag hanging sloppily on his shoulder. "Now you've lost that trust! Where did you throw away the papers?"

"We don't know where they were thrown, Akito-sama." Eri-san said to which Akito-san growled.

"Then where did they go?"

"Apologies Akito-sama, we really don't know." Hina-san apologized.

"It's impossible that you don't know." He groaned then sat down on his bed, lowering his head as his hands supported it. "All my blueprints are gone."

"Blueprints?" There heads turned to look at me with a questioning gaze. I cleared my throat. "What's in those blueprints, Akito-san?" I waited for him to answer as a bead of sweat trailed down my cheek. I was starting to feel nervous.

"Blueprints for a new game." He sighed. "I was suppose to propose them today but when I got home earlier, my room was clean―every piece of paper inside my room were all gone."

"They must be just around here somewhere." I tried being positive, not for Akito-san but for me. I could feel the chills running up and down my spine, but I tried to hide it. "Maybe you hid the blueprints without even remembering."

"No," he denied, shaking his head. "I know I've kept them here in my room―on my table to be specific. Now they're all gone." Fire of anger once again flared his eyes as he looked straight into the eyes of the maids while the two looked down, saying nothing. Though I felt relief and safety because they're not saying anything, guilt suddenly snaked itself around my heart and squeezed it tight.

I gulped to calm myself. "Akito-san, I'm sure it's somewhere here." I spoke and finally entered the room, standing in front of Akito-san's table and rummaged around it. "We just have to look deeper."

As I scanned through his table and looked for his blueprints, I felt Akito-san stand beside me, his eyes boring through mine. "I've just noticed something, Rin-chan." His eyes stared straight into me, like he was reading me, which made me uncomfortable. "Do know something about this?"

"Huh?" I blanked out.

"From the way you're act right now, it's like you know something." Akito-san narrowed his eyes as he glared daggers, making me lower my gaze straight on the ground, fidgeting my fingers. "Those blueprints are important and if lost will cost, not just me, but also the company. This is a big project. If the company loses this, I lose a lot."

"I―I don't know what you're talking about." Even in his piercing glares, I still had the courage to deny.

"Don't tell lies," He hissed as he gripped my arm tightly, his fingernails digging into my skin. "do you know something?"

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