Chapter 15: Jill the Opportunist

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The next morning, in the master bedroom of Cameron's new house, the time was 9:30 am and Cameron was seen in his king sized bed waking up from his sleep, in the bedroom also was a flat screen tv, PS3, DVD player, two desks next to the bed with lamps and a clock on the right. He made up his bed and headed to the bathroom to take a shower and brush his teethm once he did that, he went to his closet and picked out a t-shirt, trackpants and Adidas superstar sneakers.

Once he put that on, he headed downstairs and had some breakfast. After he did that locked up the house and went to the garage, he got in his new van, opened the garage door after he turned the key that was in the ignition and he was on his way to the studio.

Six minutes later, Cameron arrived at the studio and with him were Brooke and Paige because Kelly was with Josh. they saw that there was a new parking space that was next to his mother's and a sign that said "Reserved for Cameron Miller", he knew that Abby had that planned and he parked in the space, he saw the vehicles were there which meant that the Abby, the faculty and even Julie were already there. He turned off the van, got out and locked the vehicle and then he walked in and saw Abby and Julie at the front desk.

"Hello, Miss Abby. Hello, Julie," Brooke and Paige

"Hello." Cameron greeted.

"Hey, Cam!" Julie got up and went over to hug and kiss her boyfriend on the cheek.

"How's it going, Jules?" Cameron asked his girlfriend.

"It's going good."

Cameron then went over and hugged his mother, who kissed him on the cheek as well.

"Hello, mom." Cameron said to Abby.

"Hi, sweetheart. How are you doing today?"

"Doing good." Cameron responded. "What's on the agenda for this week?"

"We're gonna be competing at Starbound in Franklin Park, which isn't too far from here." Abby answered.

"How's your foot Paige?" Julie wondered.

"Yesterday afternoon, when Cameron took me to the doctor when mom wasn't there because she was taking Josh somewhere, the doctor was telling me that my foot was really swollen and i broke my toe up into my foot." Paige informed them as Abby groaned in frustration, she felt bad for Paige and so did Cameron and Julie.

"How long is she going to be out?" Julie asked.

"From what the doctor said is that she'll be out for four to six weeks, which means she can't dance." Brooke added.

"Four to six weeks?!" Abby exclaimed.

"That bites." Cameron muttered, he hated it when a dancer in his mother studio got hurt, he once sprained his ankle when he was 13 and was out for nearly two months.

"Miss Abby, me not dancing for four to six weeks stinks." Paige sighed. "Why did i listen to mom when she told me to do the standing back tuck when i told her that there was cement under the carpeting?"

"Paige, i know it does and i had a duet for you and Chloe, but since you're injured, it's in limbo, but you'll get a chance to do a duet with Chloe sooner or later and that wasn't your fault, you told her nad she made you do it, which gave you no other choice but to do it." Abby told Paige, putting an hand on her shoulder.

"Thanks, Miss Abby." Paige stated, Abby had recently been more of a motherly figure to Brooke and Paige because Kelly had been acting really odd since Paige since she did the standing back tuck.

"You're welcome. I may be tough, but i have a huge heart of gold."

"So do i." Cameron said.

"Paigey, i know you'll be out for four to six weeks, but it'll fly by, but then again, you might be healed before then because i hurt my foot when i was 12 and the doctor said i would be out up to four to six weeks, but with a lot of rest, my foot was healed in three weeks." Julie told Paige.

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