The Teachers

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************************     Aida     *************************

I've never flown before. I guess flying was the last thing that would cross my mind when I saw this bison, when I chased after it. I look up and everyone's faces are just as miserable as mine.

I used to believe I could change how people saw the Fire Nation, or at least, its people. That I could convince everyone not everyone from the Fire Nation is bad, that not all fire means cruelty. Though it's true to a certain extent, I can now see why the Fire Nation is so dreaded literally by the rest of the world, and that's not just because of what they did to me. I can't stand seeing so much pain in other people.

I can't help but feel responsible. I know it wasn't my fault, I know I did everything in that battle to help and I know I'd never side with anyone loyal to the Fire Lord ever again, but maybe I could have done more.

Maybe I should have done more.

Aang is leading the bison to the Western Air Temple sitting on top of its head. In front of the saddle sits Katara, eyes looking down at her feet with visible sadness. Should I talk to her? Should anyone even say anything right now?

Katara looks up at me and flashes me a sad smile, that motherly kind of smile she gives when everything's going wrong but she still wants you to be alright. I actually really missed that.

But nobody says anything. We all remain silent for the duration of the flight, which, of course, feels eternal to all of us. But after a while, we hear Aang calling out.

"There it is!"

Everyone on board the bison looks at the direction we're heading. Though we don't see anything spectacular at first, Appa lowers altitude after passing a cliff to reveal a large complex of apparently hanging buildings. We land above a stone platform that has a fountain in the middle.

As everyone gets off Appa, they look around happily. I guess that the sight of a safe haven managed to lift everyone's spirits.

"This place is beautiful," I say.

"You should have seen it back in the day," Aang says. "All air temples, in fact. They were really something to behold."

"I can imagine," I say.

While the rest of the group goes to explore the area around us, Katara pulls Aang and Sokka toward her.

"It's time we talk," she says. "We need to know what we're gonna do next."

I'm about to walk away, but am stopped by her.

"You should hear this too, Aida," she says.

I look at her in doubt. "Are you sure?"

"Yes," she says. "Now come on."

Sokka, Aang, Katara, the little girl whose name I forgot, and I gather close to the fountain in a circle. Despite being invited by Katara, I still feel like I shouldn't be here.

"Before we begin," I say, "can I ask something?"

"Sure," Katara says.

Fire You Are (Zuko Love Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora