Dancing Sword

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The news of the Avatar escaping Zhao's grasp spread like wildfire, but he managed to quiet down all talk about it within a few days for the sake of his reputation.

Meanwhile, I haven't seen Zuko more determined in all the time I've known him. We're still heading north and following Aang's trail as best as we can, but haven't been able to find him. He must be moving more cautiously after being caught by a Fire Nation admiral.

The only bad thing is that Zuko's determination is... how do I put it? It has a downside. At times, when it seems like we aren't getting anywhere, Zuko gets very frustrated, even more than usual. 

Today is one of those days. Zuko and I were training since sunrise and in all that time, we didn't get a single sign from the Avatar. In our breaks, Zuko would go to the telescope to look at every inch of the sky, but he wouldn't find anything. I can get why it makes him so upset, and frankly it's starting to frustrate me too. We haven't seen Aang in days after he got away from us.

I walk to Zuko out on the deck and sit down next to him. I hand him a small cup of water, which he accepts without question. Despite how angry or upset he may be, I can tell he's being careful not to let any of it out on me. I appreciate that in him.

"At this rate, we'll never find the Avatar," he says.

"We will," I tell him. "If we don't find him before the North Pole, we'll find him in it."

"That wasn't the point in the beginning," he says.

"I know," I place my hand on his shoulder. "But, who knows? Maybe we have to adapt this time."

Zuko smiles very faintly as he looks at me. I wrap my hands around his and lean my head on his shoulder. 

"We'll restore your honor," I say. "I promise. And if we have to pull off another stunt like the one we did, I'm down for it. Just as long as there aren't any archers."

Zuko chuckles and gently kisses the top of my head. We sit in silence for a while just watching the sea go by.

"Can I ask you something?" Zuko asks.

"Sure," I sit up.

"Are you really okay with capturing the Avatar?" He asks me. "You seem fond of him."

"I am fond of him," I say with a soft smile. "I'd be lying if I said he didn't help keep me sane when you were knocked out.  He's a nice kid. But I'm a lot more fond of you, Zuko. I want to see you accomplish everything you want."

He smirks. "You're all mushy and romantic."

"Well excuse me, Prince of the Fire Nation," I reply sarcastically.

Zuko chuckles and leans in. "I love it," he whispers.

He presses his lips against mine firmly. I kiss him back pressing my body up against his, wrapping my arms around his neck as he pulls me closer to him. I can't help but let out a small moan into the kiss as I sink completely into it.

As we part our kiss, Zuko has the most beautiful smirk on his face, but my attention is taken quickly from it when we both see Iroh walking by us exaggerating his effort to avert his gaze from us. He's walking on his toes and holds a scroll out in front of his face. 

"I'm not here," he says.

I laugh. "Iroh, it's okay. We're not doing anything."

"Oh, don't you stop for me," he says. "I was young once, I understand."

Zuko chuckles too, but then he regains his seriousness. "Any leads, uncle?"

"I'm afraid not, Prince Zuko," Iroh replies.

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