~{ 5 }~

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"I... Kinda- uh... T-told Max," Nikki whispered, wincing at how the tall boy's eyes widened in shock.

"WHAT. DID. YOU. TELL HIM?!" He screamed, Nikki then thanking God that her mother wasn't home. She gulped down the lump in her throat.

"He a-asked me who you l-liked and I said... N-Nurf," she lied, accidentally stuttering. The brown-haired boy's muscles relaxed after Nikki told him that she lied to Max about his crush. Gulping down the guilt rising in her throat, Nikki faked a smile.

"Thank you so much for not telling him."

Fuck, this hurts. The magenta-eyed girl thought, forcefully letting out a small laugh.

"What did he say? Did he actually believe you?" The tall boy asked the green-haired girl. She tried desperately to come up with a believable answer based on her memories.

"So? Spill already!" He laughed, secretly excited at what the secret was. Nikki sighed, knowing Neil would kill her if she told the boy his secret. But if Ered know that she liked her, then they wouldn't be friends anymore.

"Uh... I'll tell you this: someone l-likes you," she replied, stuttering because she anticipated Max asking her who it was.

"Who is it?" Max asked, cocking an eyebrow. D*mn it, Nikki thought, contemplating if she should tell Max the truth or not.

"It's... N-Ne.. Nurf," she mumbled, visibly wincing at how the short boy gave her a look saying "you b*tch, you're lying!"

"Really? Nurf likes me?" He replied sarcastically, laughing at how ridiculous that sounded.

"Tell me the truth, Nikki, or else."



"I'm going to lose a friendship either way. If I tell you or not," Nikki replied sadly.

If she told the short boy that Neil liked him, she and the tall boys' friendship would obliterate into trillions of pieces. If she didn't tell him, he would tell Ered that she likes her and then their friendship would obliterate into trillions of pieces. But she did ship Max and Neil together...

"What is that supposed to mean?"

I'm sorry Neil.

"It's Neil. He likes you."

A silence so toxic that if you took a deep breath, it would kill you, filled the space around the two teenagers. It was suffocating Nikki how silent Max suddenly went.

"H-he does?" The raven-haired boy asked in an unusual soft manner for him, almost inaudible if you weren't listening close enough. A deep crimson blush appeared on his cheeks.

"Yeah. See why I couldn't tell you?"


"You're lying, right?"

"No, Max. Why would I lie about this?"

"I have to go," Max mumbled, turning around and starting to sprint away from the perplexed girl. She was about to call out for him but didn't.

Max didn't know why, but he was freaking out because he was told that Neil liked him. It even turned him on a little, and that's one of the reason he was freaking out. He wasn't gay or bisexual!

Or was he?

"He was contemplating if Nurf likes him, and if I was lying," she told him.

"Is that all? Did he believe you?"

"Yeah, I think so," she lied, barely able to keep herself together because she was lying so much.

"I feel bad for lying to him," Neil mumbled, sighing and flopping onto his bed head first.

"At least he isn't annoying the hell out of me anymore. He would've been angry at us if I hadn't told him something."

"What? Angry at us?" The brown-haired boy asked suspiciously, raising an eyebrow.

"He heard the first part of you saying that you liked him before he left," the green-haired girl answered. Neil nodded his head showing that he heard what Nikki said.

"At least he doesn't know about my wris-"



"Who is it?" Neil asked, his voice muffled through the covers of his bed. Nikki picked up his phone and looked at who was calling him. She slightly gasped at the familiar phone number planted on his phone.

"It's Max."


Hello everyone! Author-Kunn is back again! Sorry this chapter sucked, I have plans for the next chapter though! Please like, comment and share this story if you are enjoying it!

Welp, bye peeps! 💜

~{ People Can Change }~ (Maxneil/Nax)(Completed)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα