~{ 1 }~

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"The actual fuck?"

"Haven't you ever heard of a party?" Nikki asked sarcastically, accidentally sparking the terrible memory of what had happened at the last party Neil had actually went to. Neil gasped softly at the sudden wave of memories from that fucking party.

"I have much better things to do," the tall boy replied, highlighting the word 'much'. He turned to walk away from the green-haired girl. Before he could get anywhere, the girl grabbed Neil's wrist, making him flinch at the sudden sharp pain exploding throughout his arm.

Nikki didn't notice him flinching and clenching his hand tightly, for she was too focused on the conversation that they were just having. She squeezed his wrist tightly, causing Neil to grunt quietly and bite his tongue to stop himself from crying out in pain.

"Don't think you can skip this party just because of something that happened at the last one," she scolded Neil, turning the ocean-eyed boy towards her. Neil glared angrily at the short girl, trying with all his willpower not to show any sign of pain. Of course you don't fucking understand, it's never happened to a goodie-two-shoes bitch like you. Neil thought bitterly of the green-haired girl.

"Don't give me that look! What has happened to you?! You used to be caring and fun to hang around with! Now you're just a douche that's mean and doesn't love himself!" Nikki yelled, concern laced in her words. Tears could faintly be seen at the corners of her eyes if you looked close enough.

Neil whimpered as Nikki grabbed his other wrist, and this time, Nikki noticed his reaction. She furrowed her brows and looked down at Neil's tightly clenched hands.

"Show me your wrists," she whispered, tears threatening to fall from her magenta eyes. Neil's heart skipped a beat as she said that to him. He immediately snatched both his hands from her grasp and hid them behind his back, desperately hoping that Nikki would just let it go. The green-haired girl launched at Neil, grabbing both his wrists, causing Neil to cry out loudly in pain.

"Woah! What the hell is going on?!" Neil could hear Max yell from behind him. Neil gulped and snatched his wrists from Nikki's hands forcefully. He pushed her harshly into the lockers and made a break for it, hearing Nikki yell after him. She started chasing after him, leaving Max in the middle of the hallway feeling extremely perplexed at what just happened. The fuck was with Neil? He thought, staring down the hallway that the two had just ran down.

Max quickly debated on if he should run after them or not. He decided not to chase after them and head home. He stuffed his hands in his blood red hoodie and started to walk out of the school. Suddenly, a flashback came back from when he was young.

"This is bullshit!"

Everyone turned to look at Neil's sudden outburst about the crappy science camp. I was genuinely surprised to see how the new kid cursed like that.

"Check out the balls on the new kid," I told Nikki, poking her with my elbow. I smiled at the entertaining sight in front of me.

"Where?!" Nikki exclaimed, looking down to her crotch.

"I don't know what kind of operation you think you're running, but I won't stand for it!" Neil yelled at Campbell, pointing his finger in an accusing kind of way towards him. This was getting really entertaining for me.

"I'm a man of SCIENCE! You think you can rummage together some outdated equipment and call it a laboratory?!" Neil yelled once again, furious that their science camp was so cheap.

"Look kid, I know it's not-" Gwen started before Campbell interrupted her.

"Stand down, Gretchen, I'll speak to the children," Campbell told Gwen, getting her name wrong for the second time today.

"Kids, I'm going to be blunt and honest with you. When I opened up Camp Campbell all those years ago, I had one goal and one goal only. To create the most popular and successful summer camp in the world! But times have changed. Things like the internet, video games, and the affordable care act are ruining this great country of ours-

"Ow!" Max yelled, realizing that he just hit a tree. Where the hell did that come from?! He thought, rubbing the spot on his forehead that he hit the tree with.

"Fuck you, tree!" He yelled at the tree, giving it the middle finger. He scoffed and continued walking down the street, a small bruise on his forehead. His house then came into view.

"Hiya, Max! Why are you home so early?" David asked him after he entered his home. Max shrugged and kicked his shoes off onto the carpet.

"Put your shoes on the shoe shelf, please, Max?" David asked the raven-haired boy as nicely as possible. Max rolled his turquoise eyes and laid his blue sneakers on the small shelf near the door.

"Goodness, Max! What happened to your forehead?" David exclaimed, bending down to Max's height to examine his bruise.

"It's fine. I just hit a tree while I was daydreaming on the way back," Max replied nonchalantly, shrugging his shoulders.

David shook his head and gave the turquoise-eyed boy a small, loving kiss on his forehead where the bruise was. Max's eyes widened as a light shade of blush appeared on his face in embarrassment. David chuckled and ruffled the high-schooler's raven hair. He walked into the kitchen, leaving Max alone feeling extremely perplexed at what just happened for the second time today.


Hello everyone! This ship is way too underrated. It needs more love and attention! Please like, comment, and share this story so more people become aware of it! I am already really enjoying writing this story!

Welp, bye peeps! 💜

~{ People Can Change }~ (Maxneil/Nax)(Completed)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang