~{ 10 }~

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"We should probably wipe away that message on the mirror."


Max took some toilet paper from a stall in the restroom and dampened it by holding it under the sink while it ran water. He tried to wash the marker off of the mirror while Neil watched. Luckily, it came off sooner or later.

"Thank God it came off," Max mumbled, throwing the wet toilet paper into the garbage can. The brown-haired boy sighed, leaning against the restroom wall, lost in his deep thoughts.

He started thinking about the phone call they had yesterday. Or, it was Neil accidentally hearing Max jerk off to his name. The brown-haired boy blushed a deep crimson at the thought of that. The raven-haired boy noticed this and cocked an eyebrow.

"Whatcha' thinking about?" He asked him, smirking at how Neil blushed even more at this question.


"Then why are you blushing?" Max teased, pushing the ocean-eyed boy to the limit. He covered his face with his hands so Max didn't see how much he was blushing, and so he didn't have to look at the raven-haired boy in front of him.

The short boy sighed, grabbing the other boy's hands and pulling them away from his face. Neil immediately looked down, trying to hide his face as Max held his hands. The turquoise-eyed boy stared at the brown-haired boy intensely, studying his face. A sudden realization hit him in the face like a large boulder.

"It's Neil. He likes you."

The short boy had forgotten about that fact. Blushing suddenly, he squeezed the pale-boy's hands, looking down. Suddenly, he pulled away from the ocean-eyed boy's hands, hiding his blushing face.

"Should we t-tell a teacher about the mirror thing?" Neil asked, wanting the tense awkwardness to stop.

"Nah, fuck adults."

"We s-should get to class. We're already very late," Neil chuckled, looking down to Max's large, turquoise eyes.

"Or, we could skip?" Max begged, sticking out his bottom lip and looking up at the tall boy with puppy dog eyes. Huffing in defeat, the brown-haired boy hesitantly agreed to skipping the rest of the day.

"Yess! Fuck school!" The short boy exclaimed, smiling wide. The pale boy smiled slightly in reply, heading out of the restroom. Max followed soon after, catching up with his tall friend.

"Neilly~ are you done with whatever you were doing?~" Tabii asked, popping out of nowhere. She was literally waiting outside the restroom waiting for Neil to come out.

"Ugh. Yes, now please mov-"

"Kiss me~"

What? The two boys thought at the same time. Neil was clearly caught off guard by this. Suddenly, the short girl grabbed Neil by his black sweater, smashing her lips covered in bright pink lip gloss onto his.

His eyes widened, too shocked to pull away. Max's blood boiled as he stared at the two. Yanking Neil off of Tabii, he shot sharp, deadly daggers at her. If looks could fucking kill. He thought, glaring intensely at the blonde-haired girl.

Scoffing, she glared back at the raven-haired boy. The two were currently in an intense glaring competition while the ocean-eyed boy was too shocked to comprehend what was going on.

Max was still clutching Neil protectively when he pushed Tabii away from them, grabbing his friend's wrist. Gasping, Neil clenched his hands tightly, not wanting to make a loud sound.

"Let's go to my house," Max told the boy behind him, rushing out of the school through a fire exit before the teachers caught him. Neil nodded in reply, his arm exploding with pain. Finally, the short boy let go of his wrist, relieving the pale boy of the pain he was feeling.

The two walked out of the school side by side. An awkward, tense silence fell over them. Neil decided to plug in his white earbuds that were in his sweater pocket, listening to Billie Eilish, I Love You.

"Lemme listen!" Max exclaimed, taking an earbud and popping it into his ear. Smiling, he stuck his hand out for Neil to take. The tall boy took the raven-haired boy's hand, listening to the song playing in his ears. Soon, the two approached the short boy's house.

"David and Gwen had to go do some shit or whatever, so I have the whole house to myself," Max smirked, taking out his extra house key, unlocking the door and letting himself and Neil in.

"So... What do you wanna do?" The tall boy asked, sitting on the raven-haired boy's couch. Shrugging, the short boy sat next to him, turning on his TV.

"Wanna watch a movie?"

"Sure. Can't really think of anything else to do."

"Okay," Max smirked, knowing what movie to put on. He was going to play the 2019 version of Child's Play, knowing that Neil was scared shitless of Child's Play movies.

"Go make fucking popcorn already," the short boy ordered, pointing to his kitchen. Nodding, Neil entered the short boy's kitchen, out of Max's field of vision.

Smirking again, Max rented Child's Play, and he pressed the start button and paused it, so the brown-haired boy wouldn't know what it was until later. After five long minutes of waiting, Max began to get impatient. How could making popcorn take this damn long?

"Fucking finally," The raven haired boy complained as Neil brought in a large bowl of popcorn and set it on the small table in front of the couch. Max immediately started stuffing his face with it.

"What're we watching?" The tall boy asked as the boy next to him pressed play for the movie to start. Max chuckled under his breath at the question.

"You'll find out."

~Time skip to the end of the movie, brought to you by Max's kink~

The raven haired boy heard sniffles from next to him and looked toward Neil. Guilt overwhelmed him as he saw the state the tall boy was in.

"Ah shit, Neil. S-sorry," Max told the crying boy next to him, wrapping his arms around Neil's neck and sitting on his lap. This seemed to calm the brown haired boy down some, but tears still fell from his ocean eyes. Wiping his tears away, the raven haired boy tried to calm down Neil.

The tall boy avoided Max's gaze, thinking of all the horrific and bloody moments that were in the movie. More tears fell from his eyes. Max grabbed Neil's cheeks, forcing him to look at him straight in the eyes.

"Look at me, okay? It was just a damn movie. It's not real."

The two boys stared into each other's eyes, leaning toward each other slowly. Max realized how close his lips were to Neil's but didn't back away. The brown haired boy's hands found their way up to Max's curly, raven hair, running their fingers through the soft locks. The turquoise eyed boy's arms stayed wrapped around Neil's neck.

"N-Neil," the raven haired boy whispered, his lips so close to Neil's that the pale boy could feel his hot breath brush against his chapped lips. The two teenagers could feel their eyes closing as the space between them became smaller and smaller.


Konnichiwa everyone! Author-Kunn is back! Sorry I haven't posted in centuries, for it's mostly because of school and my lack of inspiration. I've kinda been going through a lot and just forgot about this fanfiction. But now that I finally got inspiration, I've began writing again! Hopefully, I'll have the next couple of chapters done before this coming Tuesday, but I can't fully promise it.

Welp, bye peeps! 💜

~{ People Can Change }~ (Maxneil/Nax)(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now