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As she told me that she cheated on me , i was angry , angry and hurt beyond i've ever been more than the time we broke up the first time.   I  went inside the room , throwing off everything that came in sight trying to pour my anger into all non living things.  Soon I grew restless and got tired , I sat down on the floor but only tears flowed down my eyes more badly and it hurt me to listen her broken voice and whimper and cries . I  couldn't go out and soothe her  , out of everything that happened , this was the last thing i wanted for to happen . As soon as everything went silent , outside as well as inside i got out of the room to see her fell asleep on the couch , i took off my keys and left , i just left not knowing where i was going until i took my car to the only place where everything wouldn't hurt this much i knew , home , where she is not my home. 

The first 2 days were pathetic , i was still hurt and less angry and i myself knew that being angry is easy but hurt makes me feel hollow inside and as annoying it was i couldn't do anything about it . I was hurt by something i never knew she could do and even if i keep telling myself that she was lying it can't be but i want it to be . I had been laying in bed all day , only going down for meals , nothing else .

i heard a knock on the door and i opened the door to my sister who have came for the weekend because of me for sure , everyone here wants to show me sympathy and I don't want it. 

" wanna talk ?" she asked , i shook my head but she walked in and laid on the bed just like i do .

" what do you want ?" i asked

" tell me what happened ?" she asked but i didn't wanted to talk about it , i really didn't wanted it to happen , i just wanted to reverse back into my life to the days i figured my feelings for her and wanting to change it but there exists no such thing like that and as much as I hate that this happened but I loved every second I grew more in love with her. 

" nothing happened" i said and laid next to her , she looked at me

" as if i would believe it , tell me " she said , i sighed because i knew she isn't gonna let go .

" luna cheated on me when we were in relationship and we were trying to get back it but she decided to tell me now , like after all this time , she didn't even love me all this time , it hurts " i spoke

" she said this ?" she asked

" said what ?" i asked

" that she didn't love you all this time ?" she asked , i looked at her confused why'd she ask me that , isn't it pretty obvious .

" it is pretty obvious that she doesn't " i replied

" but she never said that she cheated because she doesn't love you anymore " she said

" what are you trying to say here that she loved me even then she cheated on me " i said raising an eyebrow at her when she sat

" i didn't say it , you did . i am sure there must be reasons , it must've been a mistake " she says

" drunken mistake but still , i'd never do that " i defended myself

" didn't you ever commit mistakes " she taunt

" not like hers " i said and silence followed

" everyone makes mistakes brad but more important is if they regret it and as far as i know her she must regret it and there must be a reason she never told you all this time , maybe she knew you wouldn't like it , you'd be hurt . look i am not supporting her , she did wrong but regrets it but its all upto you if you feel like forgiving her . people love and cheat all the time , your love is not the love of novels , perfect and beautiful and happy endings , one mistake and there's drama , its real life brad, everyone have ups and down but that doesn't mean giving up " she said , of course she had to go all philosophical .

" but why can't love be simple ?" i asked as tears appeared

" because simplicity is not love , if love would be simple everyone would be in love with everyone . whats the fight for then " she smiles . i sit up upright looking at her and soon she opens her arms for me and engulfs me in hug . i didn't deny . we didn't talk about it after and after making small talks here and there she left .

i knew i loved luna and beyond she could think of but i couldn't do anything . the next day i left for my flat .

The day i entered i knew i wouldn't be able to see peter , the guy with who luna cheated with and actually i couldn't because when i saw him in the hall i lashed at him but more surprisingly he didn't fight back which was unlikely but why the fuck does he regret it . He knew his mistake and that is why he was getting beaten silently and I did not enjoy it that is why I left him to get recovered and what came next was the suspension for 3 days and I saw it coming , I knew it'd happen so I didn't say anything because that is exactly what you get for beating someone in the hall.

Soon it became two weeks since the last time I talked to Luna and she told the truth and apparently Luna didn't attended classes the first two days but the next day when she came she looked like a mess , like a complete mess but so did I but I couldn't say anything , that is what I told myself.

The day at college went of easy until as soon as I reached flat after getting some stuff for eating from market because there was nothing left to eat or it got spoilt ,  I got a call.

" Am i speaking to Bradley William Simpson ?" The lady on the other side said.

" Yes I am " I replied keeping the stuff on the kitchen counter.

" Luna stone had put your number in her emergencies so I think you should come to matrix hospital as soon as possible , although her frequent others are here it was our duty to tell you . Thank you " and before I could say anything else the call was cut off.

I was left to whirl around the situation. My mind not wrapping around telling me to be at a hospital for Luna , what ?!

Neither is love simple nor have pretty consequences for fight for love is something undecipherable. 


Thank you so much for reading and helping the book reach 1.43k.  I'm so glad to see the first chapter reaching 100.  The fam supporting are we just friends and this sequel is unbelievably amazing.  Thank you so much for helping are we just best friends reach 12.1k and for everyone who held onto this sequel I love you. 

All the love - R.r.  

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