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" no you can't come over right now and i don't care besides melissa is at my place " i spoke lowly in the caller 

" okay , but can't you come over in our flat , i'll pick up " he offered 

" brad i'm not in the mood " i spoke 

" okay then we don't have to anything , we can just watch some movie " he offered and he honestly knows what he is doing because it is nowhere near easy for me to be near him and not be physically attracted to him 

" nothing will happen " he spoke again when he didn't receive any reply , i think about and its totally correct i can do it , i have nothing to do anyway

" alright , i'll be there in 20 " i spoke and with that we cut off the call 

" who were you talking to ?" melissa asked all of sudden , almost making me jump 

" no one " i lie , i still haven't told melissa about being friends with brad , friends with benefits my subconscious mind reminds 

" no i heard you talking , you said you'll be there in 20 " and i felt as if she was accusing me in a way 

" uh , that was one of my friend from work  you know matt " i make an excuse 

" but i thought you didn't have friends there " she's not wrong , i barely have friends at the cafe i work at that too only alternate days but its enough for me to run a week besides the charity my parents gave money , still sends 20% of the amount they utilize to me , at moments like these , i do really miss them . 

" no , uh , matt has some work you know , i don't know he just said he needs me at the cafe so yeah i'll leave now " i make the excuse and pick the keys to my recent apartment and my shared flat with brad quickly and run off , i don't really think i want to tell anyone about my relations with brad at the moment , not just because they'd call me stupid for being with my ex but also fucking with your ex is not an amazing idea . 

i took the bus and sat in my seat until i reached my stop and think about everything i'm doing , brad and i have really made it our thing , we just fuck but we are not looking for tags and in the past few days we have hooked up thrice and its just because i was too easy to give in . A part of me always tells me , this is not me and this is wrong and its stupid to do something like that but also we want it and besides we have agreed to leave each other whenever we're bored or we start to date someone else but until then we're loyal to friends with benefits . 

Just as soon as the bus stops at my stop, i get down and made my way to my previous apartment , its so weird that i still am more comfortable in that flat than i am in my present one . 

I make my way inside the flat finding a dim light come from across the room in the corridor, i keep the bag i bought over the couch and follow the light . it was the light from the room , it was empty though . i sit there taking out my phone from the back pocket when i saw brad coming out from the bathroom with the towel draped around the lower part of his body . 

" oh you came , i just came back from the gym , so i took a shower " he explained , but my eyes still focused on how amazingly hot he looked at the moment . 

" oh "was the only thing i managed to reply , figuring it was the best since i knew that he's a distraction . i get up from the bed leaving him there to get ready before heading to the kitchen to have some water , just out of dehydration . 

Soon enough i was accompanied by brad in the living room . 

" i ordered some pizza , should be on its way " he said 

" cool , so what are we planning on doing ? " i asked not entirely sure because movie wasn't everything as far as my mind could think . 

" watch some movies and nothing else " he explained and i nod , walking back joining him on the couch ,while he searched for some movies , i took it as an oppurtunity to gather each look on his face , the serious way he furrowed his brow , his teeths biting his lower lip , the jawline which have grown a lot more defined , and his arms a lot more stronger which i also remember from the past few days have grown stronger , the vein of his neck is prominent and it looks as hot as ever and his curls just how i remember though i believe he got a cut because he looks a little different . the corner of his lips turns up slightly , indicating he has surely noticed me looking at him , i look away immediately and i thanked the doorbell for saving me . i quickly got up and retrieved the pizza heading back to the living room finding out brad has indeed picked up a movie , the american pie. i kept the pizza box open and sat down to watch the movie and before we know it , we have finished the and pizza and we're laughing badly over the movie . 

" i missed this " brad said after the movie finished , i stare at him before replying 

" me too , i mean the movie watching is the best isn't it " he chooses to answer just a smile , i smile back , the way his smile still manages to cause something to me , annoys me but i love it. the way he just stares at me smiling i couldn't take in and i'm already kissing him softly . We both inch closer to each other . 

" we don't have " brad finally says separating 

" i want it , i do " i speak 

" i'm still saying i'm not forcing you " he says 

" you're not and i want it " was the last i said before we both were left  panting mess , riding out our high . Brad drops me a block away from my apartment and i make my way quickly into the apartment . 

" hi " melissa almost scared me 

" hi " i replied 

" so how did the work  go ?" she asked making her sandwich 

" the what ?" i asked not understanding what she was talking about 

" the work with matt " she said 

" oh , yeah it went fine , he had some - uh - girl issues , i mean he wanted some advice " i make up the lie , i don't like it yet i have to until i find the guts to tell her . 

" cool " she simply replies and wait for me to say something but i don't 

" i'm gonna sleep " i said and she simply nods and i escape the awkward conversation . As soon as i enter my room my phone dings and i look at it finding out brad texted me a thanks and he loved it , i smile because i do too . 


just tell me if y'all are liking it or not though the reads kind of explains but still anyway , " are we just best friends ? " reached 9.12k and i am beyond happy for your support , i really want to know have actually read it so drop a comment that you have because i love you . 

 All the love - R.r. 

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