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" hi grandpa " i hugged him as soon as i entered the house , the only place and the only person i am left with in my life . 

"  hi baby , how are you here ? " he said as we entered inside the kitchen 

" i just missed home " i said , he smiled at me and with that we ate dinner and went to sleep after talking about everything but my college . 

i laid in my bed , the bed i have shed millions of tears and still planning on loosing tonight . i put my headphones on and stare at the ceiling and within minuted the tears are again coming up , i remember the times when lidia would just come up and comfort me but she's no longer here and more she's disappointed of me , the time when brad would bring chocolate and comfort me but he no longer would be here to comfort me , the time my mom would just hug me and all the pain would go away , the time my dad would come up and talk to me about stars and just distract me of everything until i'd forget what caused me pain , the time when my brother would come up to me and start making jokes until my stomach would hurt of laughing i'd thank each and everyone for making it better but none of them can be here tonight because its been years i lost my brother and parents and a week and half since i lost my two best friends . 

Tired i don't know when i fell asleep but it was more the only sleep i had in days and my body needed to relax .

I got up from my bed and entering the bathroom to shower , i stood beneath the shower , my tense muscles relaxing a bit but memories making its way eventually . 

I finally step out of the shower going downstairs to have the only beautiful breakfast from the only person whose left for me . 

" how was your night ?" he asked

" nice  , i missed my bed " i said and i didn't lie because it did felt nice sleeping in my own bed and sleeping after days . 

and we had our breakfast peacefully and i wished for it to go on forever just because how peaceful it was but everything has a end . After breakfast i fled off to mall to kill my time and to distract myself from my ongoing miserable life . I was shopping for books to read when i heard someone 

" luna " he said , i turned my head and found out the person who believed in me no matter what 

" hi shawn " i smiled , the first time in a few days 

" you home ?" i asked as we hugged 

" yeah , i tried contacting you but your phone was off and you didn't read my texts " he said , his smile still charming as ever 

" yeah - a lot had happened " i said smiling , he smiled and nodded at me . 

" coffee ?" he asked , i smiled and nodded 

we bought our coffees and started walking along the london bridge , it was still beautiful as ever and the october air making it more fresh with slight breeze . 

" so what has been going on ? what bought you home ?" he asked 

" home is where we go when we're lost , right " i smiled at him , 

" right " and he didn't ask anything after that , we walked peacefully silently along the bridge . 

" shawn  " i grabbed his attention , he replied with a hum 

" was it easy for you to let go of me when i started dating brad ?" i asked something that i have wanted to ask ever since i started dating brad but things were difficult 

" i mean no " he chuckled 

" it was hard in the beginning , i wanted to ask you out to be my girlfriend that day when your parents - uh - died but when you were brad you were happier , you guys were kind of made for each other so it made it easy " he replied , i smiled at him knowing how hard it must've been for him but i was selfish , i was selfish ! 

" would you forgive someone for their mistakes ?" i finally asked 

" depends on how big the mistake is and if that person is really sorry from their heart for their mistake and regret no matter how big it might be , i would i guess " he says , this is really the reason i always liked shawn , his forgiving nature and his sweetness . 

" you're sweet , that is the reason i always liked you " i said smiling , he smiled at me . 

The rest of the time we killed by eating here and there and hanging out and talking and we called off the rest of the day . We walked back to my place and when he was seeing off he just said one thing that ripped my heart 

" if you're sorry brad will forgive you " 

only if he knew what went wrong but i didn't called him off instead i smiled and nodded and went inside . After watching a movie with grandpa we called off the night in which to the most part of the movie i was distracted . 

i went off to bed knowing i have to leave tomorrow and trying sleep again . 


Sorry for an extremely short chapter , it is more like a filler .

Thanks for reading and helping it reach 1.23k.  I'm so grateful.  I'm staying again , this book is almost to an end.  Thanks for the beautiful journey. 

All the love - R.r.

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