Chapter 25

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Now, years later, Sterling could see the moment for what it had truly been. All the pent up anger he'd kept hidden found its needed release with each blow he planted in Martin's face that day.

Three of Sterling's ribs ended up broken; he received a black eye and two deep lacerations on his chest from when Martin wrestled him to the ground. However, Martin ended up the worse of the two; a fact that always brought a small smile and grunt of approval to Sterling's lips when he remembered the altercation.

Martin's nose never looked the same after that day; he lost two molars, suffered from four bruised ribs, and broke three bones in his right hand. Martin even complained he'd peed blood for a week and found dirt in places dirt should never have been for the next two weeks.

When they first made the promise, Sterling believed his friendship with Martin was worth any pain he may experience in denying his feelings for Dottie. After all, he could still spend time with her, be near her, and dream that she was his.

After that day, they came to terms with their arrangement and a new understanding. Martin would be devoted to Dottie, and Sterling would keep his mouth shut about his feelings and about what he knew of Martin and Mary. And over the past fourteen years, he managed to keep his word, but it remained to be seen if Martin had indeed held up his end of the bargain.

"Sterling!" Dottie whispered in exasperation for the fifth time.

Blinking, he focused on her and gave a lopsided grin. "Sorry...what were you saying?"

Dottie rolled her eyes and repeated, "I need you to sit up so I can put this bandage on."

Sterling bit back a groan, clenched his jaw, and moved to sit on the edge of the bed, turning slightly to face her. "Will this do?" he bent his left leg Indian-style, his other foot on the ground at the side.

It was a mistake, and they both knew it the moment his eyes met hers. The lantern cast a faint amber-colored glow around their small corner of the loft, creating a magical illusion that grew stronger the longer they sat staring at each other, unmoving. Everywhere the light touched, the world would not dare intrude; they were safe, and nothing else mattered.

"Hold your shirt up, please," she whispered; her voice ragged and full of repressed longing. Had he heard it? A part of her hoped so. She swallowed and tore her eyes away from his.

Sterling lifted his shirt and held his breath, closing his eyes when she dipped in close to bring the bandage behind his waist. He needed to remain strong, to resist the temptation of having her so close. But, he couldn't stop himself from breathing deeply of her pleasing scent.

She smelled clean and fresh, with a soft hint of something floral that teased his senses. He tried to distract himself by wondering what flowers she used in her soap. He might have even succeeded if her hands had not stilled at his waist after tying a flat knot.

Cautiously he opened his eyes and found her watching him, "All done?" he asked with a gruff voice.

His heart pounded against his ribs. He tightened his hold on his raised shirt and prayed for strength to resist the temptation she presented. His eyes raked over her, noticing for the first time that her hair hung over her shoulder in a loose braid, a blush tinted her high cheekbones, and she wore an old white nightgown with a dark blue robe that was far more tantalizing than it should be.

Dottie nodded but didn't remove her hands from his waist. "All done..."

"Thank you," He whispered, holding her gaze. He relaxed his fingers and allowed the shirt to fall back into place over her wrists, "For taking care of me."

She swallowed, spellbound by his intense stare and deep voice. Her hands smoothed over the bandages, seeking out the warm flesh of his torso. At their first touch, electricity shot through her arm and landed with a thud in her stomach.

His warm palms singed through her robe and nightgown to the skin beneath when he drew her closer.

He cradled her face and tipped her chin to meet the slow lowering of his lips. His other hand remained at her waist, gripping the sash belting her robe closed.

The erratic thump of her heart rang in her ears until his mouth brushed against hers. Dottie's eyes slid closed in delight. He threaded his fingers through the hair at her nape and pulled her closer. In the next heartbeat, their mouths fused with a demanding hunger.

Any attempt at resuming the unhurried exploration of earlier that day was lost. Desire too long denied cried out to be sated. Arms that had been empty for too long were suddenly clasped around the one they had longed to hold, never wanting to let go. Lips captured and claimed in a lengthy, passionate kiss that had them both gasping for air when they finally broke free.

Resting her forehead against his shoulder, Dottie struggled to draw breath, clutching his waist in a sense of desperation. Sterling's arms banded around her, as though he was afraid she would try to flee. A delighted smile bent her lips when she noticed his heartbeat mimicked the chaotic beating of hers.

When at last she felt composed enough to look at him, she realized she sat atop his lap. Blushing furiously, she gave a feeble push against his chest to gain a more dignified position at his side, but his arms tightened and held her firmly in place.

She met his sultry gaze and whispered, "I should go to bed..."

"No," He shook his head and mumbled, "I've finally got you where I want you, and now you want to go away."

A smile bent her lips, and her fingers traced his lips, "I didn't say I wanted to go...I said, I should."

"And I think you should stay a while longer."

Recognizing the heated look in his eyes, she swallowed, "Perhaps...just a few more minutes."

Sterling nodded and growled before he captured her mouth with a driven kiss that obliterated all intentions of retreating to her side of the loft.

Finally, knowing he was treading on thin ice, he forced himself to end their passionate exchange and gently pushed her from him. "Get thee to bed woman, before your Mama finds us and shoots me for my indecent behavior."

Placing a quick kiss to his waiting mouth, Dottie skipped out of reach, narrowly avoiding his attempt to pull her close once again. "I'll leave the lantern with you, in case the gypsies return." She winked and smiled before disappearing behind the other side of the quilt door.

The moment the door swung into place and hid her from view, she froze and held a hand to her mouth. A dreamy sigh escaped against her will.

Every nerve in her body sang and cried out for her to return to his arms. Ruthlessly, she marched to her bed and flopped down on the unforgiving mattress, grinning in delight until her body gave in and sleep overcame her.

Sterling chuckled, blew out the lantern, and settled back upon his bed. Sleep, when it finally claimed him, brought sweet dreams of a certain hazel-eyed beauty professing her love amid heart-pounding kisses until the sun rose and bathed him in its delicious warmth.

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