Chapter 24

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"MARTY," Sterling shouted, "hold up a minute." He jogged to meet Martin where he'd come to a stop in the road.

Martin turned, not even attempting to hide his annoyance, and watched Sterling approach him. He had chores to do and shelves to stock before his parents would allow him to see Dottie tonight. Her parents had invited him over for dinner last week and he was looking forward to it.

A smug grin bent his lips. He had the perfect arrangement going on right now, because he could kiss and fool around with Mary Wilson all he wanted, and then go spend an enjoyable time with Dottie, all while neither girl suspected a thing.

Sterling slowed to a stop beside Martin, not even winded from the distance he'd covered in such a short amount of time. Martin tamped down the irritation that quickly bubbled to the surface.

It didn't matter what they were doing, he was constantly reminded of the glaring difference between the two of them. Everything Martin could do, Sterling did faster, better, and with less physical effort.

If it took Martin seven minutes to run a mile, Sterling could run the same mile in four and a half and look as fresh as when he started, hardly breaking a sweat. Martin, on the other hand, would be huffing, puffing, and a worrisome mottled red—dripping with sweat, and ready to drop to the ground in fatigue no matter how hard he tried to prevent it.

Realizing that he was becoming nothing more than a bystander any time he was in Dottie and Sterling's company, he knew the only way to put an end to it was to ensure the two of them never moved beyond being friends. To do that, he made Sterling promise to deny all feelings he held for Dottie.

"I need to talk to you," Sterling growled. Anger shined from his eyes as he glared at Martin.

"So talk." Martin rolled his eyes and began walking again. He wasn't about to make the ensuing argument easy or painless.

"I saw you and Mary Wilson kissing again today."

Martin's lips bent in a lewd smile. Just thinking of Mary made his heart beat faster. Maybe he would have to pay her a visit before seeing Dottie—or after, on his way home.

"Martin—did you hear what I said?" Sterling was fuming mad. Aching to punch the stupid grin clean off Martin's face, he curled his fingers into a tight fist. "I won't let you hurt Dottie that way. She's starting to suspect there's something going on between you and Mary. She deserves better than-"

"I get it, Hawk. Jiminy-pig-farts," Martin whined. It was moments like these, which seemed to be happening more frequently, that Martin realized how much he'd grown to hate his former best friend.

He was sick of always being compared to him, sick of Sterling always trying to show how much better he was—at everything; and the older they were getting, the more demanding Sterling was becoming where Dottie and her feelings were concerned.

Wanting to get Sterling off his back, Martin gave a flippant reply, "I'll make sure Dottie doesn't get hurt."

Sterling watched him closely with narrowed eyes before asking, "So you'll stop this nonsense with Mary?"

"I didn't say that," Martin snorted, "Mary's too much fun."

Sterling pulled Martin to a hard stop and glared at him, "Then why won't you let me-"

Martin ripped his arm free of Sterling's punishing grip, "You promised you wouldn't say anything to Dottie." He studied Sterling for a moment, then took a threatening step closer, "You're not going back on your word...are you?"

Chest heaving with angry breaths, Sterling fought for calm. "No, I'll keep my promise—as long as you promise not to hurt Dottie. If so much as one tear falls from her eyes, you'll have me to deal with!"

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