Chapter 2 prez (fist)

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Sitting here in Church waiting for the boys to come in. some have come back from a run. Some are a little hungover still. After cruise gave me the president seat after he decided he can do it any more. I'm starting to feel the trust in the boys starting to feel a little bit more secure in my seat. Cruise is sitting by me today we're going to be helping a friend there daughter. was taken three days ago. we know the MC who took her very well. bad demons MC they have a thing for the young the Beautiful. there's never been any mention of any of the women taken.

it's unusual for cruise to be here. He is broken when his daughter was taken. So from that day forward we help people find their children even though he never found his. We start giving the boys that run down. start telling them about our Intel that we have gotten and where they have taken Lil not unusual for them to take them to a cottage or somewhere deep in the bush where no one can hear them scream.

no one ever questions cruise on anything he has everyone's respect. Without saying I do have people's respect especially my brother's. We've had a lot going on the last few weeks but this one's personal this one we're going to save.

Boys start with their questions how we're going to proceed but we leaving tonight couldn't afford for anybody to be a snitch we can never be too careful. we can never underestimate anything we do to risk our lives and our brothers.

We drive out. Its nice to be on the road with your brother's. Even if its business. Theses days i can only ride out its todo with the club. when we sit out a couple of miles away prospects are in the cages. waiting for the next order and guns already explosives in hand. this place will be burning by the time we leave tonight.

Sitting here patiently untill all our guys are in position. We will watch for a while just in case we get our Intel wrong. The boys are getting fidgety most like to rage was head on and don't like the waiting. But I quit like it keeps my head clear for the war if I know exactly what I'm going in on.

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