chapter 13 jax (prez fist)

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Talking with a few of my boys my vp priest is talking to me about the whores being secretive and sum shit. Then everything goes silent because men are running towards the kitchen. I see cruise looking white. The sound is flesh hitting flesh.. knowing a fight has broken out I grab my enforcer and head to the bloody kitchen. I'm pissed they couldn't wait until aroura left like i asked. I walk in to see my very own little cute sweet heart. Pulverising cherry. It's hot not going to lie. She has the perfect connection. Yelling in her face.

"Do you like that cherry. do you like being hit over and over. no I hear. But you seem to liked doing it to me while your fucking brother watched Or help rage fuck me until I'm dearly dead. you dirty whore fucking a girl with your sick brother. Fucking sick bitch" I look over to see a few men holding there face standing up. I don't know if I should stop it or let her go or help it's a hard one. I do need info from cherry though. I send a few boys to pull her off so I can get cherry in the cells but who ever touched aroura got hit. Cruise talks

"Princess baby girl you can't hit the men they trying to pull you of before you kill her. We need to question her" She stands. Straightens up looks straight at cruise

"okay dad but that's it the 3rd traitor" then she looks at the other two.

"Plus I told u the other 2" As a few men grab the other two traitors. She walks of with tank smiling

"Fuck yeah our princess can fight bitches" Most men laugh others are shocked it's cruises daughter. She links arms with cruise.

"I could sure use a drink dad". He lets out a belting laugh.

"Yeah princess I bet"

Now I have 3 people to figure out.. Well 1 kinda is already punished but I need to get more info but by the looks of it the only one with info is aroura. Every single one are saying aroura was there secret weapon. no one expected a little skinny girl. No one expected her to run due to having no where to go. Plus she got caught 4 times in total. Didn't end well. I wanted more back ground on aroura so I played the we need info on the princess. They gave it all up thinking they would get out free nothing wrong. Some people don't know how to be faithful. I found out some things on aroura. Not once did she loose a fight. They said she did at the beginning but after time and training she was the Bosses toy.

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