chapter 7 prez

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What the fuck how where what. I'm literally confused it's been 17 years since he last laid eyes on his daughter. all because one of our brothers kids was taken. We found his daughter a girl mind you that I have already claimed. I knew she was going to be mine I've spent the last two weeks together. we've played games talked. Today she's getting released I've got to ask her where she wants to be. We can set her up in her own apartment Clubhouse her father's which they're getting pretty close.

"So Aurora we have some options I've spoken to your father we can get you your own apartment if you prefer to be by your own. You've got your father's or the clubhouse" She looks a little confused her nose is all scrunched up. keeps going to go say something but then pulls back.

"Fist I really appreciate it I really do. But I can't go anywhere where your club has organised.
Simple is you have a snitch. well not just one there's a couple actually. I remember listening to the conversations in my basement that I was in. it was directly under rages office so I rather not be around the club at the moment" That is not what I expected. I can't believe she never told us also a little shocked on the whole thing. it starting to also make more sense.

"Snitch you say. Who is our snitch or snitches"
Feeling a little pissed. It's been two weeks since we've had her and this is the first I've heard about it.

"Before you get angry. I've just been thinking I don't know what mc u belong to. I know that rage and the bosses have two snitches in each Clubhouse. Have done for least 6 to 7 years. Now you guys kind of never wear your kutte in the room cuz I freak out the first day. So you might want to think before you get angry that I have no idea what club you are with" I sit here a little bit shocked about her answer. I kind of never thought of that I've never told her what club I'm with or if we do the same thing her old club did. well the one who had her anyway. I just assumed she knew when she saw her father.

"Look sweetheart we are the Brimfire MC we don't deal with all of that human trafficking abuse. We cherish our women and our children especially since other clubs don't and prefer to hurt other clubs women and children. as you have obviously found out" Now I see your mind working if you are wrong this could be a bad thing sugar.

"Oh" I see her nose crunch up.

"Please don't say sugar please" she says in a plead

"Sorry sweetheart I just really need to get this sorted. we have had snitches being a problem for the last few months we didn't know it's going on 4 to 7 bloody years. I see her thinking this over she is debating wether to share the info.

"Well so you have two in every single MC I'm pretty much like a computer with all the information. so it'd be good to use it up against them you'll have a whore who watches and make sure that the real snitch that's deep inside the MC is doing his job. that the whore generally is with the guy in the MC sexually more than the other men. You have 3 in yours it's a little odd but you have more runs then other MCS better deals better guns better drugs and you guys make a large amount of profit. that's what they were concerned about if you make too much profit you make the other MCS look bad. you guys always found a way around the snitchers. I don't think you have the best in your crew with the snitches. they're still there and they will be reporting back to the bosses because let's face it rage was just rage he showed his anger more than anything. the boss is just used to use him. You have two girls one boy now the man he is called snatch the reason he's called snatch is because he is really good at snatching kids. but I don't know if that's the name you guys using for him but he had a picture I could tell you who he looks like I've seen him a few times on the board. Now you have one girl I can only tell you her name she never ever reports her legal name is Vanessa Bank and code name Princi it's short for princess I think because she thinks she's a princess and she's always wanted to be an MC princess. then the third girl now I can't remember her name but I'm sure I'll come across her eventually and I'll be able to give you the information. so now the problem is you taking out the 1st two the 3rd is going to squeal. So until I know what whores you have. I would probably not do anything"

"Sweetheart I'm the president I'll tell what's going to happen. But you are correct for the third one will squeal. Once you're all healed will go and have a look at a few of the girls and see if you can pinpoint which one it is. We've actually got a Clubhouse party in 2 days time to welcome you back you. there's a lot of older MC members who remember you and we're out looking for you and copped the wrath of your father when he lost everything. So from today forward you're under my protection. Instead of introducing you as fist daughter on that night so you don't get caught out. you will be addressed as mine. I will speak to your father about it I'm sure he'll understand it's for your safety and then once you to pinpoint which girl it is the night is yours and your father's. Shouldn't take you too long the girls are generally in the living room with other MC member's"

The conversation goes back and forth continually throughout the afternoon I do feel a little bit of anger but not towards Aurora more towards the fact that the two members she has already pinpointed in our inner circle well the mail anyway. But princi she surprise she helps out with the old ladies and is quite close to cruise he used to treat her as if it was his daughter. So once he finds this out he is going to be absolutely gutted.

Sitting here waiting for the doctor to discharge her. We have decided to use my house so that no one can see her before we want her to be seen. Best part about it cruise made the suggestions so therefore I still get what I want but it looks like I'm doing it for the part of MC I have her I'm not going to let her go I think she knows that and if she doesn't she will by the end of the week.

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