While I Got Lost

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"So what exactly happened while I was out?"

Violet sighed at Clem's questioning. It wasn't exactly a happy experience that occurred earlier this morning. Sure it was a relief to have Clem back and to know that she was going to be okay, but getting there wasn't very lighthearted.

"Er..um...we almost killed a guy who was actually trying to help you."

Clem's eyes widened. "You did what?!"

Violet chuckled at Clem's expression. "I'm kidding." She laughed. "Well, mostly kidding." She said quieter hoping Clem didn't hear.

"It's a long story, but if you really want to know what happened..."


Not seeing any sign of her Luke started to jog back to the porch. "Violet! Louis!" He yelled for them as he walked back through the door.

"What's up?" Louis asked from the stairs as Violet walked into the living room from the kitchen.

"Clem's gone."

Violet immediately got defensive. "Gone? What do you mean gone?" She crossed her arms.

"I mean gone. She's not in the front yard, she's not anywhere. I checked everywhere." Luke told them.

Louis came down from the stairs with Tenn trailing behind. "Maybe you just missed her. We can look again."

Luke shook his head. "No, somethings wrong. I know it is. Clem doesn't just take off like that." He ran a hand through his hair. "I searched for ten minutes without a trace from her. We have to go find her. Grab anything you need." With that, he walked past the teens and up the stairs to get his machete and anything they might need to rescue Clem. Who knows how long they could be gone.

Violet was trying to process what Luke was saying to them. Clem was gone? How could she be gone? If anything Violet thought Clem would have ran outside to be alone for a minute, but not actually run away. What was she thinking?

Unless Clem didn't run away and was...taken away. The Raiders.

"Shit," Violet swore. She ran a hand through her hair much like how Luke did. "Fuck." She started to pace back and forth. "Fuck, fuck, fuck." She really wanted to punch the wall right now. But she assumed Luke wouldn't be too happy with a large hole going through the drywall.

Louis approached and tried to calm her down. "Vi, relax. Everything is going to be fine." He reached out to place a had on her shoulder.

Violet glared at him and quite violently pushed his hand away. "Don't tell me to calm down! Fuck, Louis. My girlfriend is who the hell knows where, and you want me to calm down!?"

"Violet, please, this isn't going to help find Clem." Louis tried to reason with her. He was just as worried as the rest of them and still really confused about what had exactly happened during breakfast.

Violet rubbed her face with her hands in frustration. "Ughhh! I know. I just..." She looked at Louis than at the front door, before deciding to stare more so at the floor. "Dammit! I-I should of followed her, should have gone after her. Shit, It's my fault." Violet felt like she wanted to cry. How could she have been so stupid? She should have never allowed Clem to go off on her own.

"Vi, it's not your fault. None of us knew this was going to happen." He tried to reassure her.

"I know Lou, but...the raiders. What if...what if they followed us this far. If they're still out there what if she..." Violet couldn't bring herself to finish that sentence. She had already lost too many people. She wasn't about to lose Clementine too.

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