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It was dark by the time they neared the edge of the tree line just before the cabin. It had taken longer than expected, the walker count exceedingly higher on the way back than on the journey to the school.

Violet had been mostly silent on the walk back, everyone giving her space knowing what she was feeling at the moment. Thoughts of Jackson and her conversation with Clem filtering through her mind. However, she remained vigilant enough to take down the common walker with her meat clever when they became present.

Like now, as she kicked the walker away with her foot getting her blade to slide from it's lodged position inside the soft skull. "What's with all the fucking walkers?" She said as she walked back over to join the others. "Haven't seen this many in a while."

Clem was a bit surprised at her question, the blonde not having said a word since their talk. Never the less she answered to the best of her ability. "Not sure. We get a couple small herds every now and then that come through. They're not too bad, doesn't happen all that often." She looked to the sky seeing the brightness of the moon against the midnight sky through layers of pine tree branches. "Usually a storm is what brings them, like the night we found you guys. Not a lot of noise out here in..."

She was cut off by a yell from up ahead and what sounds like struggling mixed in with groans and growls. Clem stops in her tracks and the three older kids give knowing glances at each other before running to the edge of the clearing.

Clem slows to a halt when the cabin is in plain view, her breathing fast and heavy as she takes in the scene before her. Walkers had flooded the area, there was at least a dozen making there way to the middle of the clearing in front of the cabin. But what was most alarming was the man on the ground clutching his right arm as he desperately scooted back as a walker approached.

"Luke!" Clementine yelled in panic. She dropped the duffle bag she had been carrying and ran toward the figures, pulling out her knife in the process. She rushed towards Luke and the advancing walker, dodging a few on the way. Louis and Violet doing the same to take on the other walkers after warning AJ and Tenn to stay back.

Luke kicked at the walker sending it to its knees, but it didn't stop it's advance towards him as it continued to crawl it's way closer. Having dropped his machete and grabbing at his bleeding arm Luke had no way of defending himself other than to shuffle back from nearing teeth. The walker reached out with a boney hand and grasped his boot. He struggled to release his foot from its grasp. Just as it was about to bite down, the blade of a knife pierced through the back of its head pushing till the tip went through the mouth on the other side.

Luke looked up panting after being so close to death. "Whoa, thanks, kid."

Clem pulled her knife out letting the now dead corpse fall lifelessly to the ground. She reached a hand out and helped to pull Luke to his feet. Luke groaned as he rose to his feet still clutching his arm. Clem's eyes wandered to his wound, her eyes widening at the blood soaking his sleeve and the tear in his shirt. "A-are, are you...?"

Luke quickly shook his head. "No, I'm not bit."

Clem nodded and quickly took a look around at their surroundings. She could see Violet and Louis taking out a few walkers, but there were still quite a few left. Then she saw Luke's machete lying on the ground, the glint of the blade in the moonlight giving away its location. She picked it up and handed it back to its owner. "Get to the porch! Will clear them out." Luke gave her a nod in response and made his way to the wooden platform.

Clem turned back to the other walkers still lingering in the clearing that was part of their so-called "front yard". About half of them still remained as she saw Louis swing Chairles at an unsuspecting walker bashing his head in as blood sprayed out.

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