Coming Out

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Louis chuckled. "Wow Vi, you look terrible. Did you even sleep last night?" He asked as they walked through the wooded area.

Violet rolled her eyes. "Gee, thanks." She mocked him.

But a smile slipped onto her face as she recalled the events from last night. She had stayed up most of the night, keeping a watch over Clementine as the girl slept against her. It had taken a toll on her, as tiredness was etched onto her face this morning, but the lack of sleep was worth it. She would do it all over again, just to spend that time with Clementine again.

Louis, however, caught the slight expression. "Whoa Vi, is that a smile I see?" He said amusement in his voice.

Violet glared at him. "Fuck off."

Louis stopped walking and shot her a look. He raised a brow. "Alright, spill! You don't ever smile, unless something causes me pain." Louis put his hands on his hips as he stared her down waiting for an answer. "And you're tired as hell. Is there something you wanna tell me?"

Violet tried to act intimidating so Louis would back down, but the slight blush on her face betrayed her. "There's nothing to tell. Nothing happened."

Louis shook his head in pretend disappointment. "Violet, Violet, Violet. Do you really think you can fool me? We've only known each other what, like ten years?" He stared at her for a minute before something clicked. "This is about Clementine, isn't it? You tell her?"

Violet's face reddened drastically. "I'm done having this conversation with you." If she told Louis the truth, he'd never let it go. She did not want to reenact what had happened last night, not only for her sake, but Clementine's too. Why did she keep agreeing to go on these runs with him?

"No fucking way! You did tell her!" Louis gave her a cheesy grin. Violet was a terrible liar, especially when it came to things like this.

Violet folded her arms in defense."I didn't tell her anything!" Which was technically true to a point. Clem had been the one to make the first move and to admit that she had feelings for her, but Violet had been the one to set the mood in a way. She knew it was pointless in denying it by now, but part of her was still trying to defend herself.

Not that Louis believed a word she was saying. "That's cute Vi. You two together now?"

Violet huffed in defeat. She might as well admit it since Louis wasn't letting up anytime soon. "Alright! Yes! Were together. You happy?" She snapped at him. Though she had to admit it felt kind of good to say that out loud.

Louis gave her another one of his stupid smiles. "Very. Now I have something to tease the two of you with."

"As if you didn't already," Violet mumbled under her breath as they continued there walk back to the cabin.


Meanwhile back at the cabin, Clem was helping Luke with a project. Luke had insisted that they should reinforce the windows with the oncoming winter weather that was approaching. Some of the windows weren't in as good of shape as the others, the glass having been shattered or cracked a while ago. Boarding the windows up to keep out the elements would have been a simple task, that is if Clem wouldn't keep losing her focus on holding up the boards.

"Clem? Clem!" Luke shouted a bit louder to get the girls attention for the sixth time.

"Huh...What?" Clem looked up confused.

"You gotta keep the board up," Luke told her, keeping the other side up along with the hammer in his hand.

"Oh, Sorry." She said raising the piece of wood back up to its previous position before her grip had slipped. Luke shook his head at her antics before positioning a nail and beating down on it with his hammer.

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