Mirandas POV

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I hope i am not late for the movies.It is 12:03 and the movies start at 12:05 i had to minutes i was at the other side of the movies.I ran to the movies and gave the lady my ticket and went in i sat next to this random group with a lot of people.I think this is my sister Aylannas group so i sat next to my sister.we Are actually 1 year apart she is older.the movies started. i sat between my sister and this super cute guy with blonde hair.

"Your miranda right?"He asked.

"Yeah and your Mathew right?"I asked.

"Yes Ma'am,how old are you?"He asked me again.

"16 and you?"I asked.

"Cool wanna hang after this movie?"He asked.

"sure I'd love to."I said.

He slowly put his arm around my shoulder and i leaned onto his chest.while my sister was doing the same to Cameron.

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