Chapter 2 ~ Cafeteria

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I actually don't have anything

to say so I'll just get on with my story.




We entered the cafeteria at 5.13 and were greeted by a worried family. As soon as they saw us, they crowded us so badly I could hardly breathe. We were shot at with questions.

'Where were you?'

Why are you so late?'

'How dare you make us worry like that.'

Mom ran rught up to me and embraced me in such a hug that my last air was forced out of my lugs.

'Can't ... breathe.' I choked. She put me down, allowing air to flow into my lungs.

'Why are you so late?' she repeated.

'Mom, chill.' I laughed. 'We were just looking at the new panther they just brought in. And then when we were on our way here, Alex had to go to the bathroom.'

She thought that I was lying because she had to check both me and Alexis for any scratches or ruffled hairs. When everyone was sure that we weren't hurt we sat down at a huge table. I sat between Damon and Alexis, embaressed by my family. They could be so protective over us. Sometimes, like now, I hated that. On other occasions, I can be really grateful for their protectivity.

The others continued their conversation wich they abandoned when they saw us. They had already ordered drinks for everybody and so I sat there, sipping my Penguin Shake, a combination of vanilla and chocolate. I took a sip and though it had melted a bit, it was DELICIOUS.

'Man this is GOOD!' I muttered to myself. But Alexis heard me and elbowed me. When I looked up at her, straw still in my mouth, she was smiling widely.

'See, it isn't that bad to play young for a while. It sometimes even helps you feel ...' she trailed off, staring at somthing behind me.

'Are you guys ready to order?' a deep bass said. I turned around and gasped at what I saw. I saw a big guy with a lot of muscle and a black beard. AKA the guy who followed me and Alex. He must've hear me gasp, because he smiled at me and winked conspiciously.

He then turned his attention to Dad, who had a menu in his hand. He went around the table, skipped me and asked Alexis for her choice. I was just about to open my mouth to complain to him, when he turned to me.

'And what would you like, miss?' he asked, close to hissing the s, like a snake.

I glanced at the menu in front of me, deciding. 'Uhm... I'll have a Monkey Schintzel with Banana Fries.' He nodded, scribbled something on the paper and turned to walk away to the touch-screen.

I'd been looking at the other waiters putting in orders. First, they would type a code to gain access to the system. Then a green welcome would appear. And last the waiter would put in the order.

Big Beardie entered the code but this time an orange welcome appeared. I didn't trust it and was interested in wahat he was doing, so I excused myself and walked to the bathroom casually.

I passed him and glanced at the screen. It said


Underneath that was a couple of buttons with options. I took a step closer as I tried to recognize the letters on the buttons.




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