C H A P T E R 5

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I woke up quite early next morning. I didn't have anything on my mind to do but my body works the opposite. When I am anxious for a day, I usually sleep like a baby at night but wake up way too early. I knew there was no chance of falling back to sleep again. Besides it was already five in the morning and I had two hours to get ready and reach office in the same time; so waking up at five should be normal for me if I was to work in that office.

I took a shower and made myself a cup of coffee as I watched the sun lit up the sky gradually. I was mesmerized by the strokes of blue and orange merging across the sky. I kind of began liking the tranquility that this time of the day had to offer. The city was too peaceful. There was no crowd hustling on the footpaths outside my window and what I saw was a clear cut scenery of a busy but dormant city in front of me. I straightened my hair already dreading the frizz that was going to settle with time. I wanted to wear a skirt but I had only one which I had worn the day before so I had to go with high waisted black pants with a pastel pink blouse to go with it. It was almost six when I got done with applying my lip gloss. Ana was still sleeping because she had to leave at seven for the bus which would take her back to the hostel. I kissed her goodbye, grabbed my bag and went out of the apartment.

I reached the stop just before the bus arrived and took a note that I had to get out of the house exactly at 5:50 am from tomorrow; which meant I had to wake up at 4:40 am everyday.

I had mixed feelings towards my job. I wanted to be happy that I wasn't in direct contact with Asher. He didn't intimidate me but made me uncomfortable. I had liked him but that was way back into my past. I had some expectations which were broken. I didn't blame him because my expectations were my problem. He didn't promise me anything. The fact that I made a big deal out of one night wasn't his problem as well. It was embarrassing at this point. This is why I had decided to opt an attitude of nonchalance towards him. He is no more a part of my memory. He is my employer and that's going to be it.

I have some self respect. If a person went on to ignore me and dismiss my presence as if we had never met and act like a complete prick then why would I go running around him, chirping in his ear and asking him for the reason. If he won't talk to me, I wouldn't bother him either.

This entire situation had enraged me and I felt extremely frustrated. I wish there was a button to turn my feelings off.

Him and his attitude can suck corn for all I care.

I reached Lachlan's in forty minutes, checked in and went straight towards the elevator. I couldn't help looking around for him.

He wasn't there. Good thing.

On my floor, they had arranged trainee desks at the far end near the HOD's office which made me suspicious about my tasks. I really didn't want to be the one bringing coffee, transporting files, printing and doing stupid jobs that most companies asked their trainees to do.

There were four more desks adjoining mine and they belonged to two other men, Ali and Joey. The fourth one was supposed to be for another girl who had been sent by one of the seniors to grab a coffee because she was early. I felt bad. My suspicions were coming true.

"What are we supposed to do now?" I asked the other two guys as I examined my desk. There weren't many things except a simple desktop with a notepad which was empty and a pen beside it. I wanted to decorate it like I had seen in movies with sticky notes and pretty little flower pots on the side and frames.

"Not sure. Mr. Dan said we have to design a room for our practice. The seniors are working on it because it belongs to one of the new buildings Lachlan's are building. He said that he'll brief us in a few minutes." Ali explained as he shuffled around looking for something.

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