C H A P T E R 4

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The thing about our minds is that once it changes its degree of affection for someone, there is no going back. You have to deal with those feelings then. I allowed myself to think about Asher all day long when I knew I wasn't going to meet him again. I began imagining him everywhere just like a person you create for yourself to imagine when you are reading a book. If he had come back into my life in any other way, it would have been a dream come true. I had imagined a hundred scenarios in which we would have met and controlled my reaction but I never imagine the actual way we had our reunion. 

I got the call for interview when I was working in the patisserie with Hina. I had been visiting the place for quite some days after Asher's visit. I didn't want to go there but I couldn't help it however, Asher never came back. I had mixed emotions for the interview. I was dreading it too, not because of Asher but because my life was going to change. I will have to manage so many things and being my clumsy self, I am afraid that I'll mess up everything. I wish there was no need to work in this world and everyone had a tree which would sprout money everyday in the morning but sadly, people would begin cutting each other's trees in the darkness of night being the selfish humans we are.

"Ana, please don't go out before I come back home. I'll try to be early and please pray for me." I asked Ana who had come back from her hostel an hour ago because she wasn't feeling good alone in her dorms. I never ask her to stay there when she is feeling down. She had been suffering from chronic depression and has came out of it a few months ago. I don't completely trust her with her being alone in dorms so I begged her to take a leave and come back home whenever she feels down. 

"Okay, I'll be baking till you come back." She answered and began rummaging through the cabinets which were almost empty, "You don't have anything in here."

She looked sad. I was worrying because just like me, Ana had a way out through baking. She used to bake when she was sad and now, I am sure something was wrong with her. I would never pressurize her but when things calm down a bit, I'll ask her to share it with me. 

"You can order it from the mart. The number is in the diary under the landline and I'll leave some money for you before going out." I couldn't stop her so I decided to spend some from the savings. I have an immense hope that good days are on the way for us and we'll be able to live more happily once I get through this interview. 

I had a cup of coffee with some bread and changed into a black skirt and baby blue collared shirt. I tied my hair into a bun as it was written in the article telling how you can have the best appearance for your interview. I looked at myself in the mirror, long enough to hate how I looked in a sleek bun with this attire and decided to leave my hair open. I had some black stilettos which I hated because they were the most uncomfortable pair I had ever come across. I wore it once and slipped thrice in a luncheon. These shoes are embarrassing but I am taking the risk. I grabbed my file, bag and an umbrella because it hasn't stopped raining since last night. I had made the effort to order an Uber mini because well, why not? its an important interview.

It took me an hour to reach my destination partly because of the rain and partly because my Uber driver was too afraid to drive at the permissible speed. I asked him to speed up a bit but he was persistent so I didn't bother him again and to add up into the misery, that guy had the worst playlist one can ever listen to.

The ride had tired me but the view in front of me made me happy. The Lachlan building was beautiful with its outer reflective glass panes. I couldn't tell how many floors it had but there were many. Enormous letters spelling "Lachlan" were written alongside the glass building. It looked elite. I had never been to this side of the city so looking at this building left me in awe.

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