Live, Love And Answers.

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I myself will see him

with my own eyes- I, not another.

How my heart yearns within me!

If you say, 'How we will hound him

since the root of the trouble lies in him.'

You should fear the sword yourselves;

for wrath will bring punishment by the sword

and then you will know that there is judgment.

It's been but a week since we arrived at camp Aslan. Or, I think it's been around a week. With things happening every day and no date or calendar around, it is difficult to keep track of the days gone by.

It didn't take long for us to fall into our own daily routines. At first, I was reluctant to leave the siblings side, too scared that something might happen or if suddenly one of them would go missing again. But after many reassuring smiles and talks (with both Susan and Aslan) I let them go on and about their own things.

The Pevensies usually spent their days practicing and training. I would assume that meant they had decided to stay in Narnia for the time being. Lucy and Susan both quickly found their own technique and mastered their weapons, when, on the other hand, Peter and Edmund (who was given a two-edged sword by Oreius) needed a bit more time and instructions on how to properly wield a sword. But as such bright children as the Pevensies are, they learned quickly.

Me, myself and I had also found my own way around Aslan's camp.

after the first night, it had become a habit for me to sleep in Aslan's tent, with the company of the great lion himself. For such a confident and majestic being, he could often be overly considerate as to how I felt it with him sleeping there.

"Are you uncomfortable?"

"would you like me to move?"

"Is this ok?"

"am I hurting you?"

Honestly, he sounded like a very nervous teenage boy doing it for the first time...

It was bloody annoying. So, as the considerate lioness I am, I kindly told him to shove it.


I almost had a heart attack when I realized what I had said to the king of Narnia. To my relief (and grief), he only laughed, licked my cheek and went to sleep.

He calmed down quickly though, as it became clear to him that I didn't mind having him so close, and he would sometime during the night lay his head on my shoulder and cuddle closer to me. The close, physical contact was unfamiliar, but not unpleasant.

It's strange, to have someone who wants to be as close to you as possible, and in a more intimate way than family-related. Besides, the nights are the only time that it's just me and him. Its the only time I can be able to let myself relax, speak my mind without the lingering fear of saying something I shouldn't. Since we arrived at the camp, Alsan has been busy for most of the day. Even though he tries to find me, and gives me his attention whenever he has the time, it's not often.

It's understandable, I mean, there is a war coming up, and I'm not going to be bratty about the lack of attention. That's why I tressure the silent times we have together when we can just talk. These past few days I have opened up more, telling him about my life with professor Kirke, how Mrs. Macready would scold me for the smallest of things, my many hours in the library and so on.

it is scary, in a way. That I have taken to him so quickly. That it didn't take more than a few hours before I trusted him enough to talk about myself. I have always been a bit too selfless person. It may sound weird, but it is possible to be too selfless, it can be destructive and dangerous if you don't have somebody around to tell you no or tell you the opposite of what you are thinking. when you are too selfless, you would not think twice about giving your life to save somebody else's, or to suffer on somebody else's behalf.

My dear king, save me. (Aslan fanfic) (EDITING!) Where stories live. Discover now