Who are you to me?

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His name, oh his name. What it does to me. and I don't even know who he is. A deep feeling builds up in my stomach. Warm, bubbling, comforting, such wonderful happiness. But at the same time...Along with the warm cozy feeling, there is this.. longing. So strong its almost hurts. 

The dream repeats itself over and over again. the voice. those eyes. I'm mentally lost in a world far, far away. 

Before Lucy taps my snout and I'm brought back to the conversation at hand. 

Mr. Beaver: "He's only the king of the whole woods, the top geezer...the real king of Narnia!"

King? oh... I can feel small pecks of anxiety build. No matter what his name does to me. How much of these weird feelings seem to show up. I really hope I'm not to speak to him personally. Again, because  I... I just don't feel, worthy enough. ridiculous, probably. But I've always held great respect for people above me, or those I at least feel is above me. It's just something that has stuck with me since before this time. since I was a little girl.

So no matter how... magnificent this King is, I'd be fine by watching from afar.

Mrs. Beaver: "He's been away for a long while."

Mr. Beaver:" But he just got back! And he's waiting for you near the Stone Table!"

ok... what now?

Lucy: "He's waiting for us?" looking just as confused as me, Lu meets my eyes as if asking me 'did you know'. All I can do is shaking my head carefully, before bringing my attention back to Mr. Beaver. 

Mr.Beaver: "You're blooming joking! They don't even know about the prophecy!"

Mr.Beaver looks at us as if we just jumped off a cliff.

Mrs. Beaver: "Well, then..."

Mr.Beaver takes a deep breath, trying to calm down.

Mr. Beaver: "Look... Aslan's return, Tummus' arrest, the secret police... It's all happening because of you!"

ok, excuse me...

Susan: "You're blaming us?"

Mrs. Beaver: "No, Not blaming. Thanking you."

Beaver: "There's....a prophecy: 'When Adam's flesh and Adam's bone sits in if Cair Paravel in throne the evil time will be over and done.'"

Susan: "You know that doesn't really rhyme"

I let out a giggle, giving Susan a disbelieving look. She just shrugs her shoulders at me.

Mr. Beaver: "I know, but you're kind of missing the point!"

Mrs. Beaver: "It has long been foretold that two sons of Adam and two daughters of Eve will defeat the White Witch and restore peace to Narnia."

Mr. Beaver. "But, the prophecy says nothing of a lioness or any other person for that matter.

The children look at each other before looking at me.

"So... should I leave?" is all I can muster, with uncertainty clear in my voice. The feeling of not being wanted is heart-wrenching, and sadly, very familiar.  

Mr. Beaver: "No! No, of course not. you're here for a reason just like the sons of Adam and daughters of Eve."

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding, leaning my head into Lucy's shoulder for a little comfort. she happily accepts, stroking me behind my left ear.  

Peter: "you think we're the ones?"

Mr. Beaver: "Well you'd better be, because Aslan's already fitting out your army!"


Lucy: "Our army?"

Susan: "Mum sent us away so we wouldn't get caught up in a war!"

Peter: "I think you've made a mistake. We're not heroes!"

Susan: "We're from Finchley!"

"Mr.Beaver are you absolutely sure? I mean they're just children?

The Beavers look at each other. standing up I walk up to Susan. She puts a hand on my head before turning to the beavers. "Thank you for your hospitality. But we really have to go."

Mr. Beaver: "You can't just leave!"

Lucy: "He's right. We have to help Mr. Tumnus."

"Lu-" what is it with all these interruptions nowadays? can't a woman just get to finish her sentences for once.?

Peter: "It's out of our hands. I'm sorry but it's time the four of us were getting home. Ed?"

But there's no Edmund. How he left unnoticed is beyond me, but half of the time I was in my own little bubble, maybe we just didn't pay enough attention. 

Peter: "Ed? ... I'm going to kill him."

Mr. Beaver: "You may not have to.. ... Has Edmund ever been in Narnia before?"

uh oh...

(Time skip.)

Running through the snow we follow Edmunds track. on top of a small hill, we all stop. Before us is a huge castle. a castle of stone and ice. Sharp, cold, harsh. not what you would imagine a castle to be. Its not welcoming at all. utterly... unpleasant.

Peter: "Hurry!"

We see Ed going through the castles gates.

Lucy: "Edmund!"

Mr. Beaver: "Shh! They'll hear ya!"

Peter starts to run after Edmund but I jump in front of him as Mr. Beaver grabs his arm.

Mr. Beaver: "NO!"

Peter: "Get off me! Move it, Anna!"

Standing my ground I wait.

Mr. Beaver: "You're playing into her hands!"

Susan: "We can't just let him go!"

Lucy: "He's our brother!"

"Yes Lucy, but what good does it if your all captured?"

Mr. Beaver: "She's right, He's the bait! The Witch wants all four of you!"

Peter: "Why?"

Mr. Beaver: "To stop the prophecy from coming true! To kill you!" 

"This is all your fault!" Susan blames her brother. 

Peter: "My fault?"

Susan: "None of this would have happened if you had just listened to me in the first place! "

Peter: "Oh, so you knew this would happen?"

Susan: "I didn't know what would happen...which is why we should've left while we still could!" 

Done with their bickering I let out a short roar of annoyance. "That's enough! Both of you. you won't solve anything by finding whose to blame. that's not going to help Edmund the slightest." 

Beaver: "She's right. Only Aslan can help your brother now. "

The silence only lasts for so long. But again... that name...

Peter: "Then take us to him."


Who are you?

And whom are you to me?

Authors note:

Merry Christmas everyone. I wasn't sure if I were to publish anything today, but I found some spare time soooo.. here you go. Another chapter! yay.!

I hope you all have a wonderful holiday and spend it with people you love. My favorite part of this holiday has to be giving away presents. the faces to those I give to, omigosh. *gets all giddy*  its one the best things ever. 

Again, Merry Christmas everyone, and a happy new year.! <3

My dear king, save me. (Aslan fanfic) (EDITING!) Where stories live. Discover now