The Pevensies arrival

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" Giddy up. Good Girl."
The voice of Mrs.Mcready tear trough the silence in the library, the sound of a horse carriage can be heard from outside. Giving a quick glance to the open window I quickly shut the novel I was reading, and put it back on the shelf. Knowing that the Mcready would not be happy if she new I was "slacking of".

Ugh... stiff lady.
Scurrying out of the library, I walk to the main entrance.
Just as I reach the hall, the front door opens and the Mcready marches in. Trailing behind her is four younger children.
"Ah Anna, good to see that you're not wondering off somewhere." Mrs. Mcready says, indicating for me to take her coat.

"Children, give your coats and trunks to Anna-Maria, and come with me. Anna take their belongings to their rooms. And make sure the beds are ready." She tells me in a stern voice as the leads the children around the house.
Poor kids. She's probably going to pester them about what they can't do and where to not be.

Scurrying up the stairs I find my way to the guest rooms set up for the four siblings.
I can't feel anything but bad for them, it must be so hard leaving family behind where the war is worst.
Even though I know the outcome of this war, it's still something else living in it.

Making sure the beds are done properly, I hang up some curtains, it's not a lot, but still it's something.

I've decided that I will do whatever it takes to make their stay better, more comfortable.
With the curtains up and the rooms clean I make my way trough the hallways in search for something to do.

Being a maiden was not something I had seen for myself, but when Mrs.Mcready complained about how I was just 'in the way' and not doing anything for myself. The professor got this brilliant idea that I could clean and "serve" the house...

So yeah. Maid it was.
But hey..! I still get to do whatever in this house.
Which mostly ends up with me sitting in the library for hours. It's not really anything else to do here alone.

"Professor Kirke is not accustomed to having children in his house. And as such, there are a few rules we need to follow:"

The stern voice of Mrs.Mcready breaks me from my thoughts.

"There will be no shouting...or running. No improper use of the dumbwaiter-"

And no tu-

"NO touching of the historical artefacts!"

Yeah that's what I meant.

"And above all, there shall be no disturbing of the Professor."
Knowing that I will Come face to face with Mcready if I don't go the other way soon, I try my escape...
but to my luck..
"Oh! Anna why don't you take the children and show them to their rooms. I have other things to do."
Knowing it wasn't a question I sign for the siblings to follow me.

Giving them a small smile I lead them down the hall where I came from.
" I'm sorry about the Mcready. She can be a little stiff sometimes. Or.. well she always is, just don't take I personal" I try to reassure them with a friendly look.

The youngest gives a small giggle in return.
"Hi I'm Lucy. It's nice to meet you."
I take her outstretched hand and shake it
"It's very nice to meet you too Lucy, I'm Anna-Maria, but please just call me Anna."
The oldest girl introduces herself as Susan,
"And this is Edmund."
She gives a pointed thumb to the gloomy boy in the back.

"I can introduce myself thank you" he snaps back at his sister
"Ed! Sorry about him, My names Peter."
The oldest says with a friendly smile. I smile back feeling happy that most of them seem to like me. At least a little bit.
"Here's your rooms, if there is anything you need just come and find me. I'm probably just wandering around here somewhere." I say and get a few 'yes's and ok's back.

Leaving them to unpack I make my way back to the library. The children seem nice and even if they're a few years younger than me I really want to get to know them better.
To me they seem more mature for they're age anyways so I don't think it will be a problem for us to get along.
Or I'm just a little childish for my age.
Not that it matters, I'm just really excited to have others to talk to in general.

And I have a feeling we will become close.

My dear king, save me. (Aslan fanfic) (EDITING!) Where stories live. Discover now