VIII. Execution

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Reader's Pov

I released a shaky breath as my feet touched the ground. Killing someone shouldn't be to hard, right? Michael does it all the time. Besides Loomis is what hinders our once happy relationship, so it's best to get rid of the pest. The repercussions will be bad, but the police already believe Loomis is out of control anyway;I thought while creeping toward the front of the house. His car was still parked right in its usual spot, in front of my home. Releasing a sigh I felt a scowl graze my face. My grip on my knife tightened as my anger flared. Who does he honestly think he is? Does he really think he can just march into here and ruin my life? Well tonight is the night he learns. Analyzing the surrounding area I ensured the dark streets were empty. No one should notice a single thing. Squatting down to my knees I quickly made my way to the side of his car. Peeking up slightly I watched as he filled his disgusting face with junk food. Sneaking closer to the car I halted when I heard him speak.

"I don't understand how (Y/n) managed to get such a positive reaction from him," he paused and made a slight chuckle "Although she may be an obstacle to my main goal, I can make her a patient and use her to get into Michael's head."

I covered my mouth in utter disgust. Did I hear him correctly? He really intends on taking me in as a patient just to crack Michael. He really has some nerve to call himself a psychiatrist. He is just a heartless manipulator like he has always been. God, the urge to drive this knife into his heart is nearly irresistible. No... I have to calm down. I cannot mindlessly kill him, he's talking to somebody on the phone. A cold wind blew ominously, tickling my (s/c) cheeks and sending a shiver down my spine. For some reason, it felt... thick in the atmosphere... like I wasn't alone. Am I crazy? No... Michael was sound asleep when I checked. I shouldn't worry... it'll be fine. I will execute Dr. Samuel Loomis.

Michael's POV

Dr. Loomis' baby blue orbs were focused on the hamburger in front of him like a mindless child. The mere thought of seeing his meaningless life slip away from his eyes was enough to curl my lips. His tongue grazed his sauce-coated thumb like a pig as he released a howl of laughter. The man that he was speaking to on the phone began to laugh as well, and my blood boiled. How could he plan to manipulate my (Y/n)? He has no idea about how much I will enjoy slitting his throat. I dreamt of it for years... now I can make it a reality. Glancing down, I noticed my knuckles turn white from the strong grip on my beloved kitchen knife. I stared into the steel of the knife, looking at my furious brown orbs. Releasing a shaky breath, I raised my head and fixated my focus on Dr. Loomis. My knees began to hurt because of how long I was kneeling, but I ignored the pain. It's so hard to resist plunging my knife into his chest, but I have to be careful and precise with his death. He deserves to suffer.

"You see," Dr. Loomis continued, "I could easily explain to the authorities that (Y/n) is mentally unable to be into society. Then, they can hand her over to me and Michael will come for her like a sick puppy. It's such a cunning plan, isn't it?"

I wanted to shove that burger down his throat. No, I want to grab the straw out of his drink and skewer his eyeballs out from his sockets. Thoughts raced through my mind as my grip tightened around my knife. I don't think I can hold back any longer.

"Yes, it'll be all so easy- Wait... who is that there?"

Dr. Loomis' orbs trailed to his driver's side mirror and his eyes widened. Before he could utter any words, a (s/c) hand lashed out at him and drove a silvery object into his shoulder.


Dr. Loomis' screech echoed in the silence of the night, causing a few crows to fly out of the nearby trees. Blood splashed against his windshield as he dropped his phone on the passenger's seat. My brown orbs widened as they laid on the large stab wound on his shoulder. A small, silver knife was protruding from the wound. I'm not alone... but who else holds a grudge against Dr. Loomis? Wait... it can't be-

"I TOLD YOU TO LEAVE US ALONE," a familiar, angelic voice shouted.

Looking over to the driver's side of the car, I saw my sweet (Y/n) glaring daggers into Dr. Loomis' eyes. What is she doing? This is my fault, (Y/n) would have never thought of doing this but she must've observed me for too long. My eyes darted over to Dr. Loomis, who was reaching for the car keys in his ignition. No, there is no way he can escape. He will suffer the consequences of harassing (Y/n) and I. Quickly, I ripped open the passenger's side door and reached my knife-wielding hand over to his chest and drove my precious steel through it. Blood spurted from Dr. Loomis' mouth, followed by a cry.

"P-Please," Dr. Loomis' pleaded before laying his eyes on my figure, "M-Michael... w-why? After all that I've done for y-"

"You've done nothing but cause us pain," (Y/n) said coldly.

A few goosebumps pricked my skin as I heard (Y/n)'s cold voice. I'm addicted to the sound of her sweet, honeyed voice but her cold, unforgiving tone made a warmth grow in my chest. I have never seen this side of (Y/n): cold tone and a twisted, manic expression as blood covered her face. It was almost... seductive, yet I know I have to keep her pure.

"M-Michael... I told you I would take care of him. Why are you here?"

(Y/n)'s voice cut me out of my thoughts as her gleaming (e/c) orbs stared at me, a scarlet hue adorning her cheeks. I gazed into her eyes, stunned by her change of behavior. Her voice went from cold to warm and welcoming. Her twisted expression contorted into one of curiosity and innocence. Analyzing her body, I saw she was wearing a baggy black sweater and sweatpants, which were now stained with blood. She reached her hand out to me and placed it on my knife-wielding hand. Suddenly, she furrowed her brows and a dark smirk decorated her lips. She pushed down on the knife, sending it further into Dr. Loomis' chest. A cry escaped his lips, as a faint giggle slipped past (Y/n)'s plump lips. Has she gone mad with bloodlust? She... is becoming more like me... it shouldn't be this way yet... I somehow find it attractive.

"Let's finish this, Michael," she whispered.

With that statement, I pulled my knife out of Dr. Loomis' chest and stabbed him repeatedly. (Y/n) grabbed the small knife and yanked it out of his shoulder, following my steps and stabbing him repeatedly. Dr. Loomis' began to choke on his own blood as sounds of wet, ripping of flesh echoed in my ears. The warmth of Dr. Loomis' blood greeted my hands as I continued to plunge my knife in and out of his chest, striking his heart. I soon lost focus of the repetitive stabbing. Instead, I was focused on (Y/n): how her cheekbones shone in the moonlight and how her twisted smile curled on her (s/c) lips.

"Y... You'll pa-"

Before Dr. Loomis could finish his sentence, (Y/n) aggressively swiped the blade of the knife across his neck, slitting it deeply. Crimson liquid quickly oozed out of his neck as he gargled on his own blood. (Y/n)'s breathing became heavy as a few crazed giggles slipped past her lips. Glancing down at Dr. Loomis, I saw his eyes lose it's natural, baby blue hue as the life seeped from them. It was a moment I long hoped to live: to see Dr. Loomis' death, better yet be the one to bring him to his death. Releasing a sigh, (Y/n) threw the knife to the ground and smiled warmly. Her smile made something in my heart feel... warm as well. A few tears escaped her (e/c) orbs as she stared into my brown eyes. Her facial expression softened into the angelic, innocent smile that I have wanted from the moment I saw her.

"It's over... it's finally over," (Y/n) smiled through tears.

Reaching over, (Y/n) pulled me into a warm embrace over Dr. Loomis' dead body. I returned the embrace, wrapped my arms around her waist and running my fingers through her (h/c) locks. She snuggled her head in the crook of my neck as I felt her warm tears running down my skin. Her sniffles echoed in my ears, as well as the ambiance of the night. Looking down at her figure, I noticed her eyes were closed shut and her breathing had finally calmed down. I felt her heartbeat started to slow against my chest as she released a warm hum. I have missed this feeling: the feeling of her against my body, breathing softly and peacefully. It has been a long time since I've had her in my arms like this. Now, I know she will be in my arms forever. Dr. Loomis has been executed, as planned. Finally, I can have her all to myself without any problems... now we just have to hide the body. 

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