III. Michael

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The figure did not respond. He stood there motionless while wielding a sharp, metallic object that gleamed in the rays of the moon. My heart pumped with joy, yet there was a faint feeling of suspicion. Is this… Michael? Why is he just standing there, staring at me? I know Michael is like this but… something feels so wrong. This cannot be my Michael… or is it? His posture and demeanor resembled Michael’s so much… but at the same time, it didn’t.

“M-Michael,” I stuttered loudly, “Is that you?”

The man cocked his head toward the window that I was peering out of and approached slowly. A part of me told me to run and seek help, yet I was positive that this is Michael. I heard slight, heavy breathing as he approached the window. I was face-to-face with him. Well, only one way to find out now. Reaching my hand toward the mask, I was abruptly stopped by his sturdy grip on my approaching hand. Of course, Michael wasn’t fond of taking off his mask but he would do it for me. My eyebrows contorted into a confused expression as I scanned the figure. No, this isn’t Michael. Who is this man?

“Let go of me.”

A slight chuckle came underneath his mask and he aggressively grabbed my face. At this moment, I realized that I made a grave mistake. An unknown man is right here, caressing my face. My breathing hitched as I struggled to pull away from his grip.


“You’re the girl that Michael kidnapped, huh?”

“He didn’t kidnap me.”

“So if I do the same thing that Michael di-”

“No, you’re not like him. Not one bit. Now get the FUCK off my property.”

“I’ll shut you up real quick.”

The man grabbed my hair and attempted to pull me out the window. Thrashing around angrily, I resisted and attempted to reach for his knife. He noticed it and slashed at my hand, causing a cut to form on my palm. I winced in pain and fought back, punching his abdomen. Small chuckles were all I heard, followed by a warning.

“If you do not cooperate, I will kill you right here and now.”

“What do you want with me?”

“What everybody wants; a good time.”

My (e/c) orbs widened at his comment. He played with my emotions and gave me hope and he… wants to have SEX with me? RAPE ME? I won’t stand for this, no way. Gritting my teeth, I furiously pulled back into the window and fell onto my back. An angry grunt escaped his lips as he tried to enter the house through the window. I kicked him in the face and pulled my foot back before his knife could penetrate my skin again. He stumbled a bit but my kick didn’t do much damage.

“Stupid bitch, I’LL KILL YOU!

He projected his whole body into the window, causing it to shatter. The glass fell onto the floor and scattered in every direction. I didn’t look away. I ran for the kitchen and crawled into the small sink cabinet. Luckily, there were a few glass plates and utensils that were never used here.  A few drops of blood stained the wooden floor as he picked out some glass shards from his body. Wincing a bit in pain, he got back onto his feet and looked around for any sign of my presence. Pulling my legs close to my body, I hoped on James’ arrival… or Michael’s. I need somebody here, anybody. I don’t want to die today… not when Michael is supposed to be here. It’s Halloween; our meetingversary. Footsteps echoed onto the cold, kitchen tile as he hit the knife against every cabinet. The thumps became louder and the nearby cabinet was opened. I couldn’t breathe. He can’t find me here. This can’t be the end. How could I be so oblivious? I’m so stupid. I should’ve known that he wasn’t Michael.

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