Chapter 2

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        Unfortunately I wasn't able to hear any of Dad's story because when I went to do a little...listening I found him standing by the staircase, waiting. Sometimes I forget that my dad knows me better than I know myself.

        Needless to say I spent that night sleeping very uncomfortably, because Dad made good on his promise and tied me to my bed. By the time I woke up the next morning the rope was gone and Grandma, Grandpa Joe, and Uncle Matt were already gone, just leaving me and my parents in the house. My hair was in serious bedhead mode as I ate what I think was oatmeal...still unclear on that. However, as every spy knows, time is precious so as soon as I finished breakfast I grabbed my bags and we left.

        "Excited or nervous?" Mom asked. In the car I never stopped looking outside the window and my hands were shaking.

        "Neither, it's more...surreal, if anything. It still feees like a dream that I really don't want to wake up from," I replied.

        Experiencing the first day at the Gallagher Academy for Exceptional Young Women was very interesting to watch (ever more so because it was my first, first day). The limousines were lined up even before reaching the iron gates that guarded the mansion. Most of those cars were filled with the world's greatest, unknown, operatives and osme of the sharpest minds of the world, bot for the people of Roseville, Virginia, it was just the start of another school year for the rich and spoiled heiresses that they believe attend Gallagher Academy. All spies have covers, so why not spy school? As far as anyone knew in Roseville, Gallagher Academy was a school for snooty little brats that have nothing better to do.

        But, if anyone from Rosevile were to get a glimpse of what's inside they migt see our 250 security cameras (I counted, it was a long wait) or a senior working on their savate with a security guard, that could send up some red flags. However, te simple townspeople don't pay us any mind, simply because they don't care.

        When we finally got through the gates, I got out of the car, followed by Mom and Dad.

        The front lawn was covered with parents and students sharing heartwrenching goodbyes, and I was next. I wouldn't see my parents for four months, but a lot could happen in that amount of time. For many of these normal girls they would just be saying goodbye until Christmas, for girls like me it could've been the last.

        That thought ran through my head when Dad hugged me. He said something like, "There's a pressure point in the shoulder that'll knock out your enemy for up tp four hours, be sure to use it in P&E," and, "For extra credit in C&A, show them that thing Abby taught you with the lemon wedges and Kleenex."

        "You can go through the many forms of homemade chloroforms later. I just got off with Langley-"

        "Wow, those guys really know how to ruin a family moment, don't they?" Dad asked.

        "I agree, but they thought that you would like to know that your smugglers just showed up in Buenos Airies, and they said that you have forty five minutes before they hand the case over to Dawson," Mom said.

        Then, with a quick kiss to the top of my head, Dad started his way for the car. "I'll see you soon."

        I couldn't help but laugh. "Seriously, Dad? Your Buenos Airies  smugglers are more important than your daughter?" I teased.

        "Maybe," he said with his goofy smile. His tone changed when he said, " There's nothing I wouldn't do for you Morgan, nothing."

        Mom chuckled and pulled me in for her own hug. "I'll see you soon, sweetheart," she said.

        "I know. You're not going with Dad?" I said.

        "Nope, I got my own assignment. Nothing I can't handle," she said, then turned to look at the mansion. "Have fun, Morgan. That mansion...some of the best years of my life were in there."

        If it wasn't obvious enough I'm a 3rd Generation Gallagher Girl (4th if you count Aunt Abby). When my mom attended she made history, and lived to do so. I was determined to make her proud.

        Dad called out to Mom from the car. "Dad's getting impatient," I said.

        "Buenos Airies will be there anytime, but this moment. This moment only happens once," Mom said with a smile and she hugged me tighter.

        "I love you, Mom," I said.

        "I know, and I love you too," she told me. "Morgan, i have an assignment for you: Notice things," she said as she made her way to the car.

        "I will," I replied.

        I watched Mom make her way to the car, and then spotted someone I adn't seen all summer. She was standing, with her parents, saying goodbye. I walked over to her and gave her a simple, "How ya been?"

        Her mom answered first, "There's my favorite Goode," she said with a thick British accent.

        "Hi Aunt Bex, Uncle Grant," I said. They weren't really my aunt and uncle, but they were life-long friends of my parents, and ever since I could talk that's what I've called them. Last time I saw them was during my spring break, when I went to London. I learned a lot, including that Uncle Grant's roundhouse kick could rival that of Aunt Bex.

        Their daughter, and my best friend, Gabs, have known each other our whole lives. She's the main reason why I got banned from Germany.

        "Your parents left already, I was hoping to get a ride," Aunt Bex said.

        "Not yet, third car on the left by the driveway. Their getting ready to take off," Uncle Grant informed her.

        "Bye Gabs, have a good term," Aunt Bex said as she kissed Gabs' cheek.

        "I will," Gabs replied.

       "And Gabs, please, leave the international incidents to your mother," Uncle Grant said and Aunt Bex glared at him.

        "Just stay out of trouble," Aunt Bex said.

        "No promises, and have fun in Buenos Airies, Mom," Gabs said.

        Both parent hugged their daughter before walking off to meet my parents.

        When it comes to looks, Gabs is the perfect blend of her parents. She has the same dark hair and caramel coloured eyes as her mom, and a charming personality like her dad.

        "Hey there, Mag," she said as she turned to me.

        " 'Mag'?"

        "Your name,, Morgan Ann Goode.  M.A.G. Mag," she said. "I can't wait to tell you about Italy, I got into my first knife fight," she said, proudly.

        "That poor man," I said feeling bad for the perp who thought Gabs was a defenselss little girl.

        From the lawn we saw Aunt Bex hop inot the car with my parents, and Uncle Grant got in his, then before we knew it they were gone. We then, picked up our bags and started for the mansion.

        "Ready?" Gabs asked.

        "Born ready," I replied.



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