Chapter 4

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        After dinner my friends and I went ot the library, because Leah wanted us all to get a head start on our studies for tomorrow.

        "Marie Cordoza overheard that in our first Numerical Memorazation class, we're going to have a quiz on the Dewey Decimal System," Leah said as she dropped three books in front of us.

        "It exists? More importantly, it's relevant to the world of espionage?" Cassie asked in disbelief.

        "Yup. It is the system used for stacking the Library of Congress Classification and was createed by the U.S. library of Congress," Leah said.

        "I'm not even going to ask how you know that," Gabs said.

        The library is the best place to go when you need information, like the Dewey Decimal System.

        It was our very first night on campus and many girls, mostly seventh and eighth graders, were in there. The library was my favorite (one of my favorite) places to go. Hacking and blending in weren't my onlt talents I also had a gift for hearing, I could hear conversation in the library that night. Although, that night wasn't interesting, just reminisces of vacation.

        My super hearing, as my dear uncle so graciously puts it, began as long as memory serves. My earliest memory was when I was five and I heard my dad come in late at night from an assignment. I remeber crying, because I was so happy to see him, he missed some call ins and Mom was worried.

        All night, my mind was a buzz with ideas and thoughts. Some about Mom and Dad. The first day of classes. How Leah was going to survive P&E, but mostly I thought about my dad with Aunt Bex in Buenos Airies. I wasn't worried about them, I was worried for them. My Dad and Aunt Bex tend to have some sort of compition, the last time they were on an assigment together my mom had to go just to play referee with them.

        But my trains of thought came to a sudden stop when Cassie slammed her book on the table. "This is so boring," she said.

        "I find the Dewey Decimal System quite interesting," Leah said.

        "Know what I find interesting, how our Morgan Goode got stuck in the seventh grade encryption class. Your skill is that of a full fledged operative, at least," Gabs said.

        "Which is why Grandma updated the Gallagher Academy firewalls, and she believes that I could use a crash course in the basics," I said, but Gabs just rolled her eyes.

        "That's it, I'm going to bed. This book is making my jetlag even worse and it's best to get ahead of it. Night ladies," Cassie said and made her way to the suite. Leah soon followed, with three books in her hand, leaving just me and Gabs. Reading about the Dewey Decimal System was making me sleepy, and Gabs noticed.

        "I have an idea," she said.

        "No," I replied.

        "You haven't even heard it yet," Gabs said.

        "The last time you said that our parents had to bail us out of Germany!" I said.

        "Okay, that was not my best idea, but this one is good. And we won't get arrested," Gabs reasoned.  

        "Oh really? What?" I asked.

        You ever have that friend that drags you into doing stupid and dangerous things? That's Gabs. Which was why I got a bit frightened when she smiled at me.

        "Nothing really, just a project, something challenging," she said.

        Gabs was trying to bait me and I was falling for it, either from boredom or lethargy. So, I agreed. Which is how we ended up at the corridor that has the entrance to the sub-levels.

        "This, is suicide. You know that, right?" I said, and by suicide I meant detention, and probably lots of it.

        "Only if we get caught," Gabs said with a smirk.

        She handed me a flashlight. Gallagher Academy has many secret passageways, how I knew this? I may have made a copy of the school's schematics and found memorized it. One of them, led to the elevator shaft, the eleavtor that takes you down to the sub-levels. We wandered through the passageway, until we reached our destination. Gans pulled out a scredriver (from where I don't know), and pryed it open.

        "You ready?" She asked.

        "As I'll ever be," I said.

        Gabs went down first, mainly because she pushed my out of the way. Now, anything you;ve seen in movies and tv shows about either going down or up an elevator shaft, are all lies. It is Impossible to go down a shaft quietly. Maybe unscathed, if you're lucky.

        It was my turn soon. So, I hung onto the railing and slowly lowered myself onto the top of the elevator. Gabs then opened the top door and we slid into the elvator and pressed the button. I half expeceted to hear the pre-recorded voice to scold us for snekaning into an unauthrized location, like I heard in te stories, but it never came. For a moment, I actually believed that we got away with it.

        "Take a mental picture, Mag, because we just made Gallagher Academy history," Gabs said, triumphantly, as she swung an arm over my shoulder.

        The elevator came to a stop and the door began to open. My sense of escitement and pride dulled, then came my sense of trouble. When the door opened, bfore we could even walk out of the elevator, someone was already there waiting for it.

        "Well hello girls, I believe congratulations are in order. You actually managed to surprise me,"

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