Chapter 6

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        The best part about having friends that have known you your entire life is when you fling the door open to your room and say, "Find out everything you can about the Circle of Cavan," no one questions you until after they begin researching, Twenty seconds after I said it the desk was cleared of all school related assignments and Leah pulled out her laptop and tablet. Soon enough, with my help, we byass through the MI6, CIA, and FBI firewalls to get some real information.

        "What is it?" Gabs asked.

        "No idea, but I can tell you that it hasn't been active for, at least, twenty years," Leah said while typing away. Honestly, I didn't have high hopes that anything would be on record. The way my dad responded to my asking about it I had the feeling that it wasn't going to be in the system. "There's been no recent activity in the Circle of Cavan in any country or database."

        "Well, maybe they're behaving themselves," Cassie concluded (I had my doubts), water running down his neck. "Our maybe they haven't gotten caught yet. Or they no longer exist or-"

        "Trust me, they exist," I said. "They're probably just really good at staying off the grid."

        "What's the sudden interest in the Circle of Cavan? Does it have something to do with Hobbes?" Gabs asked as she put her hair in a ponytail.

        I sighed and heavily and told them, "It has a lot to do with Hobbes."

        "You think he's involved?" Cassie asked. "Do you really think your Grandma would hire someone who is possibly involved with a terrorist group to teach at this school? You think the trustees would let her?" 

        "Yes. Prime example, Joe Solomon," Gabs said. She was right. I never knew the whole story, mainly because I have always heard the one word I hate more than anything, classified. What I did know was that Grandpa Joe was involved in some organization of terrorists, but I always believed that he was in deep cover.

        "Headmistress Solomon is the most lenient headmistress in the history of the academy," Gabs said.

        "Leniancy and stupidity are two different things," Cassie fired back.

        "Sometimes, it's not," Leah said not looking away from her computer, her eyes glued to the massive amounts of numbers running up and down her screen.

        "He's more than a teacher, he's an operative on an assignment."

        "Name a teacher here that isn't," Cassie shot back at me. "You're blowing everything out of proportion and worrying about something that is probably nothing. Just like that time with my dad's car  when were in D.C. Remember?" I did remember the incident with the car. Preston really like that car.

        "This is totally different, Cass. I promise you," I insisted. "It's something big, something bad. Something to do with me," I said.

        "I agree. It's you needing a distraction."

        "No its's not. I-"

        "Mag, listen. I will gladly help you on your latest crusade, but you have to admit that this, what we're doing, is nothing more than a distraction," Cassie said.

        I'm stubborn. Very stubborn. Once my mind is made up it's near impossible to get me to change it. Mom said I get it from Dad and vice versa. I knew that argueing with Cassandra Winters wasn't going to be easy, but I was determined to get my point across and give them all the whole truth.

        "No, it's not adistraction. I know why you can think that, but it's not and here's why. I overheard a conversation between my granda and Hobbes. He isn't just here to teach, he's here to watch me. She make sure that I'm not a threat and that I don't remember." I said.

        "Remember what?" Gabs asked.

        "Your guss is as good as mine, but I do know that it has something to with this organization. They took me. They did something to me. I don't remember anything and I need to know why." I said.

        Cassie sighed. "Fine, you're right. This is not a distraction, it's an op. One that could and prbably will result in our expulsion or worse, but I'm in," she said. I smiled and watched her collapse on her bed.

        "Leah," Gabs said.

        "These firewalls are good, it'll be a while before I'm through. Unles, you wanna give me a hand here Mag," Leah said.

        "You know I would love to, but can't. I can hange my M.O. as a hacker, but my signature is un-changeable. The CIA, FBI, and MI6 all know my signature If we're going to do this, we can't get caught. If I get in there, we'll get busted and my parent swill be here in the next twenty-four hours to grill me. So, take your time Leah. However, Gabs, Cassie, I have a more...effective approach for us."

        "Finally, school was getting a little boring," Cassie said.


        Agents: Morgan Goode, Gabrielle Newman, Cassandra Winters, and Leah Anderson (know known as the Operatives).

        Following an intercepted conversation between the Gallagher Academy headmistress and the  subject, Jacob Hobbes, the Operatives declared the new teacher a POI (person of interest).

        The next week the Opertaives followed and observed the subject's behavior and patterns and learned the following:

        -The Subject is a CIA operative, according to Level 3 clearence. Access to Level Four clearence TBD (estimation: five days. According to Operaative Newman, "Graduation")

        -The Subject eats in the Grand Hall with the other faculty, except for dinner.

        -The Subject always leaves his room at eight PM and returns at ten PM. The Subject apparently goes for a run and works out in the Protection and Enforcement Barn to train (Shirtless, according to Operative Winters) 

        Shortly after my mom graduated the Gallagher Academy, the school underwent some serious renovations. My parents never told me why, but my gut told me it was something both important and classified. Classified information is always the best information (an 9 times out of 10 my gut is never wrong). Mom says that the school was the same as it was back in her day, so they probably focused on the interior rennovations, The Sub-Levels for example.

        Granted, I have never seen the inside of the sub-levels, but as you well know by now I hear things. Dr. Fibs supposedly made them a fortress and can porduce a parge scale, super realistic holograms. Needless to say my curiousity and imagination were starting to take over. However, that day, Culture and Assimilation brought me back to reality.

        "But, Madame Barton why does it matter how we sit in other countries?" Maya Brett asked.

        "Bacause the way you do things that is considred normal in your country can be seen as abnormal in another. Causing you to draw attention to yourself. A spy is to blend and conform to their society no stick out. It's basic spy sociology," Gabs answered.

        "exaclt, ladies you can master the spoken communication, but the unspoken communication can make you or break you as a field operative. Sometimes, performing the right gesture can be the key to a successful op or getting your cover blown," Madame Barton said.

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