Chapter 19

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Selena: Guys, I'm coming!!

Selena ran outside, it was really hot, the sun shinning down her face, she looked around for Harry, Nina and demi

Demi: Gotcha!!

Demi throw the water balloon on selena as selena yelled in excitement and that's when everyone came out Harry picked up selena over his shoulder as selena giggled

Harry: Hello

Harry put her down and smiled and pulled her close kissing her as demi snapped a photo of them

Demi: Awww!!!

Selena and Harry laughed. As they entered the room and everyone shouted

Everyone: SURPRISE!!!!

selena yelled and then laughted

Selena: Omg!!!

She couldn't believe her eyes, she sees all of her relatives all in one room, smiling, she smiled so big, she was so happy, she went to all of them and hugged them as she went to her little cousin

Selena: hey Olivia!

Olivia: Hey, how are you, I heard, life isn't fair

Selena: I'm fine, im so glad your here..

Olivia: Me to, omg meet my boyfriend!!

Selena: Okay...

Olivia: Lukkee!!! Come bae, meet my prettiest, sweetest cousin ever!!!! This is selena!!!

Luke looked at selena and smiled, she smiled back and pulled him into a hug

Selena: I'm a hugger, nice to meet you Luke, keep my cousin happy

Luke: I will, she's to cute!!

Selena laughed as Harry came wrapping his arms around her waist

Harry: Hi, I'm Harry Styles selena boyfriend!!

Olivia: Boyfriend?? Wow selena *Whispers* he's cute

Selena laughed and snuggled onto harry

Selena: Since when did you become a blonde?

Olivia: I think it looks good on me

Luke: Of course it does..

Luke planted a kiss on Olivia cheek and Olivia smiled

Demi: Olivia?

Olivia: Hey girls!!

Nina&Demi: Hey!!!

They walked to Olivia and Luke as Luke introduced himself, selena grabbed Olivia arms and dragged her to the living room as they sat down on the couch

Olivia: so...How are you feeling??

Selena: I'm feeling great!! Tired, but that's just the sypomths

Luke: What are the symptoms?

Selena: Tiredness, Bleeding and also bruising easily

Luke: Wow!!

Harry: Enough talking about that, Can we just appreciate how cute selena looks??

Selena: Harry embarrassing!!

Harry laughed as demi and Nina jumped on selena

Demi&Nina: BEAUTIFUULL!!!!!!

selena started laughing as they pulled her into a group hug!!


Family reunion!!!

O.Kay so Olivia and Luke are Olivia Holt and Luke Benward just letting you guys know!!!(:

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