Chapter 2

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Selena, Nina and demi were walking together talk as selena sees Harry with a pear of black skinny Jeans and a white shirt with a beannie and sunglasses

Selena: Harry over here

Harry turns to see who called him and smiles once he see selena waving at him, he couldn't help but smile and walk towards them

Demi: Hey, Did you have a problem finding the place?

Harry: No it was pretty easy, this place is nice

Selena: It's our favorite place

Harry looked at selena and smiled at her, Harry was admiring her beauty he doesn't how a girl is so sweet and so loveable, he's never met one before, Harry ex girlfriends where all preppy and all about themselves, this was the first Time he actually met a girl like selena and her friends

Nina: Now you guys already had your moment let's go

Selena and Harry stop staring at eachother and looked away as she sees bob, bob was always this nice guy that loved selena company because she was always full of life

Selena: BOB!

Bob almost dropped the stuff he had in his hands as he hears selena voice he put the stuff down and selena runs to him engulfing him into a hug bob was always a brother to selena, he cared about her alot not in a creepy way more like a loveable way, bob was 27 and selena was only 17

Bob: Selena, hey what are you doing here

Selena smiled widely

Selena: Just showing our new member of our awesome group our favorite place

Harry: Nice to meet you man, I'm Harry Styles

Bob: Nice to meet you, you got yourself a handful Harry

Selena, Demi, Nina: HEY!

Bob and Harry started laughing

Nina: Believe us were not that bad

Demi: In fact were amazing, bob doesn't know what's he talking about

Bob: Yeah okay

Harry just laughed as he looked around they were at a beach, where there boats

Bob: Shall we get little Ariel

Harry looked at them wiredly

Harry: Little Ariel? who's that?

Selena: Our Boat

Nina: It's Our Boat, we called her Ariel

Demi: More like selena called her that

Harry: Why Ariel?

Selena: She was red and beautiful

Harry laughed

Harry: Okay, I want to meet her

selena nodded and walked away as they all followed her

once they got there Harry eyes landed on a old red boat, selena was right Ariel was beautiful, it was old but beautiful

Harry: Wow

Harry was admiring the boat, selena walked to the boat


selena fell into a little whole as she was trying to float up but she couldn't demi, Nina, Bob and Harry ran to selena to rescue her

Nina: Selena Hold on!

Harry was taking off his shoes as he jumped into the hole


Bob: Man watch out!

Harry dived under water and grabbed selena wrist as he pulled her up as he gasped for air selena was past out

Harry: she Past out

Demi: Hurry get out!

Bob grabbed a rope and threw it down as he tied selena and himself to the rope as they lifted them up Harry carried selena and layed her down as he started do CPR on her he was giving her mouth to mouth, Selena coughed out all the water as she opened her eyes and her friends hugged her

Nina, demi: Thank God your Okay!

Selena looked at Harry who was wet

Selena: Did you Save me?

and Harry nodded, selena smiled

Selena: Thank you

Harry: As long as your okay, you are okay though?

selena nodded and let out a giggle

selena: You sound like my annoying best friends

Bob: Selena we were worried, you sure your okay

Selena rolled her eyes and smiled

Selena: Yes dad, I'm okay, Harry saved me, he's my hero

Harry smiled as selena gave him a hug and a peck on the cheek


I'm actually likeing how this story is going!!

how do you guys like it? your comments mean the world to me, how am I doing?

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