Chapter 6

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Selena turned around and looked at her mother who had her arms crossed

Selena: Lovely day?

Mandy: Selena don't act like that

Selena: what!! Harry confessed he took the stuff

Mandy: Because he likes you

Selena: What?? Get out!!

Selena: I'm serious selena

Selena looked at her mother she noticed she was actually telling the truth, she didn't know Harry liked her, it was odd for her

Selena: Good Night Mom!

Selena kissed her cheeks and went to her room and fell asleep

Harry got into the car looking at his mom who was starting the car

Anne: Harry you embarrassed me today

Harry: Sorry mum

Anne: I'm bringing Gemma next time

Harry: what?? Why?? I'm much more funner then her

Anne: Harry you just want to go because you like selena

Harry: Do not!!

Anne: okay whatever you say

Harry did like selena he was just trying to hide his feeling away from her, which he did a good job but not to the parents

They got home and Gemma came downstairs greeting them

Gemma: how was the Gomez family?

Harry: sooo great!!!

Gemma: who did the poop stain fall for this Time, I already feel sorry for her

Harry widen his mouth

Harry: shut up!!!

Anne: her name is selena

Harry: Mum

Gemma laughed

Gemma: my little brother!!!

Harry: I'm older then you!!

Gemma: whatever idiot!!

As she walked upstairs saying good night to her mom and Harry, Harry looked at his mom

Harry: Good Night mum

As he walked upstairs to fall asleep

The Next Day

Harry: Selena wait up!

Selena stopped and turned around and sees Harry as she let's out a smile

Selena: Hey, you

Harry: Can I walk with you

Selena: We do have the same school

Harry: oh yeah!!!

Selena just laughs out loud, shaking her head as they both walked to school

Selena: so, New kid where did you use to live?

Harry: London England

Selena: Really???? Wow cool!!!

And harry nodded,

Teacher: okay class, take your seat

Selena and Harry walks in and made there way to the back

Nina: Hey sel, haz

Harry: Sup?

Demi: how you feeling sel?

Selena: Amazing!!!

The teacher started teaching as selena was playing with her hair as she noticed something in her hand


Demi&Nina: What wrong

Selena gets up hiding her hand

Selena: I need to go to the bathroom,

As selena walks out to the bathroom

Demi, Nina and Harry exchanged looks as demi and Nina raise there hands

Nina: can we go check on selena??

Demi: please???

The teacher nodded and they ran out to the bathroom, they look at the stall with the door closed as they hear light sobs

Demi: selena?

Selena: Go Away

It broke their heart hearing selena like this, so valuable and hurt

Nina: selena, hun please open up??

Selena: No!!!

Demi: Selena!! Open up!!

Selena got up and slowly opened the door

Nina: oh hunny!!

Selena started crying again

Selena: I'm turning bald!!!

Selena cried showing them her falling hair as they gasped pulling her into a hug

Demi: selena, ookay I know you won't like this buh... You can always cut your hair

Selena: NO!!! I DON'T WANT TO!!!!

Nina: but selena!! It will just hurt you, you knew this was bond to happen

Selena: No, I didn't know that, i wasn't suppost to have this, I WASN'T SUPPOST TO HAVE CANCER!!! THIS WASNT HOW I WANTED TO LIVE MY LIFE!!! I HAVE CANCER AND I'M GOING TO DIE!!!

selena was full out crying as Nina covered her mouth, watching her best friend break down, demi and Ninas eyes were red the verge of crying watching the best friend

Selena: why did I have to get diagnose with leukemia, Why me???

Nina: I'm sorry selena, life just isn't fair!!


Soooo there you have it....selena biggest secret!!!:(

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