Chapter 10

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A/N: heey guys I can't believe all the support I'm getting on this book, thank you guys sooo much, this means a lot to me!! I have another Harlena book, I already updated chapter 1 and the description go check it out its called ' Nothing Like Us' im excited to write it, and this book, I'm letting you guys know I'm not close of being done this book, I want this book to be long because I'm litterly starting to write really small chapters I want this book to atleast have up to 20-30 Chapted minimum!!! But here's chapter 10 hope you guys enjoy!!

My Hidden Secret- Chapter 10

Selena looked at her own hands a pool of blood, Selena didn't understand why this was happening, she didn't know what to say to her mom and little sister

Mandy: Selena, are you okay? What's going on?

Selena looked at her mom, she couldn't explain what was happening, Selena wanted to cry but she had to be strong

Selena: mom there's been a secret I have kept from you!!! And I think it's time for you to know, can we talk in private?

Mandy nodded and put Gracie in the toy section where she could talk to Selena and keep an eye out for her little daughter. Selena knew she had to tell her mom, she couldn't keep this any longer.. But here it went.... Selena big secret

Selena: mom I have cancer

Mandy looked like she didn't understand

Mandy: Selena this isn't funny, you don't have cancer, I would have known

Selena: I told my doctor not to tell you, mom I didn't want to worry you, im dying

Mandy refused to listen to Selena, in fact she thought she was going crazy

Mandy: NO!!! Selena you do not have cancer!!

Mandy had tears threatening to spill out, Selena engulfed her into a hug telling her it's okay , that she is but Mandy kept on crying, she finally accepted her daughter having cancer.

Mandy: we need to take you to the hospital, Selena they can help you, your cancer can go away!

Selena shook her head

Selena: mom I have leukemia there's  no cure

Mandy: there always a cure, selena is that why you cut your hair??

Selena nodded

Selena: I'm loosing my hair anyways, I need to except it

Mandy: we can buy you basly, selena basly will help, it doesn't take away your hair

Selena: Really??

And Mandy nodded. Mandy went and bought the stuff she needed once she did she applied them on selena hair and now they were on their way to the hospital

Mandy: Demi and Nina know don't they??

Selena looked at her mom with guilt and nodded

Selena: I don't want you to worry about me mom, I'm okay!!

Selena suddenly started coughing as blood kept coming out. Mandy was getting really nervous now, selena doesnt understand why this is happening

Once they arrived mandy got Gracie out of the car seat and they walked into the hospital

Mandy: Hi I'm here to see my ex husband his name is Ricardo

The lady nodded and went to get him. Once ricardo came he ran to selena engulfing her into a hug. Mandy had no idea that selena was seeing her ex husband. Mandy grabbed Ricardo from the shirt pulling him away, selena didn't want this to happen she went to Gracie side and took a seat

Mandy: What the hell is that??? My daughter is sick and you didn't tell me???

Ricardo: She didn't want you to know!!!!

Mandy: I'm her mother!!! I have the rights to know!!!

Ricardo: This is selena were talking about Mandy, this isn't about you, OUR daughter has cancer, I don't have Time for this

Ricardo left and went to selena side getting down

Ricardo: What's going on baby? Did you get a hair cut? You look good

Selena: thanks daddy, I did, because my hair was falling out

Ricardo: baby you know there basly?

Selena nodded

Selena: mom added it on my hair

And Ricardo nodded

Ricardo: so why are you here??

Selena: I'm here for a check-up

Ricardo: check-Up?? Babygirl you have yours in a week

Selena smiled

Selena: I know its just...daddy I have been coughing out blood

Ricardo nodded, he knew what was happening and he had to check on her--

Ricardo: Come with me!!

Selena didn't get up because she looked at Gracie

Selena: What about Gracie??

Mandy: I want to be there with you!!, Gracie can come right??

And selena shrugged, although she didn't want Gracie there she had no choice!!. Ricardo told selena to take a seat as they started checking on her

Mandy: I don't know why she trusted you, there so many other doctors

Ricardo sighed and selena rolled her eyes

Ricardo: because I'm here father, and she trusted me!!

Mandy: so did I and where did that get us

Ricardo poked one of her gums as she yelped

Selena: Ooww!!

Ricardo: sorry Babygirl, okay so I know the problem your gums are really weak so its bleeding, no worry its just a symptom!!

Selena: Anything else??

Ricardo: yes, selena your going to be showing lots of symptoms so for now, I need you to go home and relax, you should be in recovery, I will allow you to stay here I--

Selena: no!! I want to go home, to school, see my friends

Mandy: selena hunny this is your health were talking about!!!!

Selena: I know, look I know I'm going to die--

Mandy: your NOT going to die, selena stop talking like that

Selena: mom!! I'm sorry

Mandy: please selena stay here, your father will look out for you!!!

Selena sighed and Ricardo nodded

Selena: okay!!

And Mandy smiled pulling Ricardo a side

Mandy: I leave her in your hands, please take care of our daughter

He nodded and looked back at selena who was just serious a minute ago and now she's into a goofy look on her face playing with a remote that's turning her bed up and down as she was giggling

Ricardo: I will I promise


Soo selena told Mandy, I wanted to added selena real dad, I already have this story planned out!!(:

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