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[Marcel's bunker]

Kara: That's him Marcel!

Marcel: It's time Kara! *Marcel laughs and then he turns towards Kara.* It's been fun while it has lasted.

Kara: What? What do you mean...

Marcel: *Marcel whispers into the flower. "Go grab that kryptonite sword right there! When you hear me give you the okay. Stab yourself in the heart" *Marcel Laughs*

Kara: O-Okay...*Kara walks over to where the knife was she then grabs the knife holding it close to her chest*
*Mon-El never took his eyes of Kara. Mon-El tried to follow her*
[Marcel's Bunker]

*Marcel grabs Mon-El*

Marcel: Not so fast!!

Mon-El: HEY!! LET HER GO!!

Marcel: Not yet...we need to talk!

Mon-El: No! I'm not leaving her!

Marcel: All I have to say is one word! One word and then she's gone! Do as I say and nothing bad will happen to her..

Mon-El: But- *Mon-El realizes he has no leverage. He has to do what he says unless Kara dies. So Mon-El does exactly what Marcel wants*

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