And So It Begins...

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[Marcel bunker..Kara/Marcel's p.o.v]

Marcel: Hey wake-up sleepyhead

Kara- Where am I?

Marcel- home! I built this place especially for us.

Kara: Us..?

Marcel- Yes babe! You and I. Remember I proposed just a few days ago.

Kara: Mon-El? That- That was Mon-El. My fiancé!

Marcel- I knew this compulsion wouldn't work on you.

Kara: Wha- What is going on?! Let me go!

Marcel: Don't worry darling...just one more quick nap. * Marcel gives Kara the flower again making her smell it. This time he added kryptonite...causing Kara to forget everything he wanted her to.*

Marcel: Now lets try this again. *Marcel begins working. He quietly whispers into her ear. Everything he said she has to do..he whispered one more thing. " When the time will break up with Mon-El. Remember you are in love with me. Only me. I just proposed and we are going to get engaged. Kara and Marcel. #Marca But first you have to break up with Mon-El. One thing Marcel didn't realize is the spell has one side effect. It changes Kara's eye color. Her eyes no longer represent comets..but it's a darker blue.*


[Marcels bunker//]

*Kara wakes up..her head was pounding. She felt like her life had changed but she just figured it was the engagement. But then she saw him..and he made it all go away*

Kara: *stands up and runs up to him*
Marcel!! *Gives him a hug* Where have you been?

Marcel: Just picking up some flowers for our wedding.

Kara: Of course! You are too sweet. But I should head over to my mothers.

Marcel: Of course! Have fun!!!

Kara: Love you!! *she grabs her purse and runs out the door*

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