James birthday Part 2

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I am continuing this from last year cause of how I was working and everything. I wanna do the girls first birthday before I do another birthday chapter fir his birthday cause we have a full crew at both stores a little bit, and I am mostly on the mornings some of the time and I am having to go in at 7 now cause of we have a full crew now  

"Here we are, girls, home sweet home," he says as he pulls into the garage with them

James was going to get Emery out first and get her settled in and he was going to come back for Savannah cause she had all that equipment with her and on her as well cause he was going to figure out where it was going to go as well

"Em it's okay," he says as he was holding her cause she had woken up from her slumber

James walked her into the house and before he knew it, everyone, he knew jumped out to yell surprise and Happy birthday to him

"Thanks, guys can we keep it down I have to get these cuties settled," he says as he took Em to her room

James laid her in her crib for the time being so he could get Savannah and bring her in as well

"Hey Savannah," he says as he got the other baby out of her car seat and brings her in as well

James brings everything she was on so she could get settled in her room

"Savannah it feels like I need to change you baby girl," he says as he was going to change her before putting her in her crib for the time being

James tells everyone that the party will get underway once he changes her

"Okay Savannah daddy will be quick then you will go in your crib," he says as he was going to change her really quick

James was careful of her cause she had the medical equipment on her right now

"There we go, pretty girl, I am going to carry you cause that will be better and safer too," he says as he was going to get her little sling so she was safe as he was going around the room with her during the party

He puts her in gently and gets her oxygen and heart monitor close to him so he could monitor her

James loved having her close and he opened his chest for her so if she wanted to suck she could suck without a paci 

"My sweet Savannah," he says as he was going to get food and enjoy the party

James loved the food and loved having Savannah with him while her sister slept like a log up in her room 

"You are contented aren't you bug?" he asks her 

Savannah just coos in response

"I think that is a yes from you bug a boo," he says as he was checking her vitals  

Savannah was still good so he was going to leave her be right now 

"If you wanna be with daddy you can be with daddy," he says as he was looking at her as she slept 

"James do you want a drink?" Kendall asks him

"Sure I have to be careful cause I still have Savannah, James says as he was coming over for a birthday drink 

James knew he needed the drink with Savannah right now 

"She looks so cute, Logan says when he saw Savannah 

"Yeah she is and it looks like she is waking up a little bit, James says as he was going to get her out of his shirt for the time being 

James was going to change her and come right back since she was comfy right now on his chest 

"She was only wet so she is a happy girl now and I think she wants to be up for a bit, James says as he was showing Savannah off 

"We don't mind a bit, Kendall says as he gave James his drink cause they had to celebrate him becoming a dad 

Going o go back to present-day next week maybe 

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