Arriving home

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"Okay now to get the double stroller out and then the car seats and lastly the diaper bag, and head in to get the girls and bring them home forever" he says as he was going to get out since he had parked close to the hospital in the parking garage which he was happy with, so he could get the girls loaded up and if Savannah had any medical equipment she was going to need he could get that loaded as well    

James get the car seats locked on the stroller before he heads in to get the girls, and take them home to their forever home cause they were going to be his daughters for the rest of his life until they hit 18 then they move out on their own  

"Now to bring Emery and Savannah Maslow home forever, and start being their dad" he says as he heads to where the girls were cause he was almost always with them when they were in the hospital cause he really did want to know them and they could know him, and he could get use to changing and feeding them when they were off their I.V's and their feeding tubes that they had to help them eat


James sees the girls and he sees Savannah is on oxygen cause of her lungs still having troubles with getting air in her body

"My little Savannah how are you today?" he asks as he picks her up first since she wanted attention from daddy right now and he was going to respect that about her cause she was his little one

Savannah coos at him as she was being held by him cause she loved her daddy a lot and that was not going to change at all

"I take it you are good I am going to get your sister and i will get you girls ready to come home, so daddy can be with you girls forever and ever" he says as he was going to dress them in one of the hospital rooms cause it was going to be easier on him and for them

The nurses was going to explain more about Savannah and give him a video to watch to help him understand her needs more then ever cause she was the special one of the bunch that needed the most care right now

"Okay I will do Emery first then i will do Savannah" he says as he was going to get started dressing the girls so they could come home, and he can get them adjusted and settled in cause it was going to be a lot on him and he was up for the challenge of raising them

Emery was a happy baby for daddy as he was dressing her so she could come home

"I say you are a happy girl Em" he says as he was going to blow raspberries on her tummy to make her laugh as well cause he loved her little laughs

James got Emery buckled in and he was going to put her in the stroller for the time being cause he had to see where Savannah was going to go cause she had a lot of medical equipment coming home with her that day and he knew he was going to have to get a van for the girls and he can have his car for times when he would take them one by one and the van was going to be for Savannah cause he was wondering about her and what did the mother do to her to have her have all of those medical problems down the road and he was going to face them head on no matter what happens

"Okay Savannah your turn sweet girl" he says as he was going to get her dressed to come home from the hospital

The nurse came in to help him with Savannah cause she had her oxygen tubes on her and her heart monitor on her as well so it was a lot of equipment involved with her

"You got a lot there little girl" he says as he was dressing her so she could come home as well and be with daddy

Once she was all ready to go home he was going to hold her for a little bit cause they had to put her on the portable machines so she could go home

"Okay Savannah you will be up by daddy cause you have a lot" he says as he was going to put her in her car seat for the time being so they could of course go home and get settled in cause it was a big deal for the girls

Savannah yawns a little bit

"Don't worry Savannah when we get home i will rock you cause i know your sister will be asleep already when i bring you girls in to get settled in your new home where you are going to live for the rest of your lives" he says as he was pushing the girls out to his car

James talked to the girls the whole way and they looked up at him with their pretty eyes cause they loved him and they loved hearing his voice as well

"Daddy car is right over there so he is going to buckle you girls in and we will head home" he says as he heads to his car with the girls

James was going to get Emery in first and Savannah went in last cause of all her equipment she had with her cause she had a lot for a newborn

James Maslow tiny baby girls wattys 2023Where stories live. Discover now