The girls come home

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"Okay James I will start designing these rooms right away" Stephanie says as she was working with James on the rooms

"Thanks Stephanie for helping me with this last minute since the girls will be coming home soon i want it be special to them" he says as he was showing her the pictures he had of the girls when they are in their incubator

"I will have these framed and in the room for you, and the rooms will be done by the time the girls come home, so you have to worry about the other things that need done" she says as she was leaving

"Oh yeah I have to go shopping" he says cause he was going to get clothes for the girls cause they did not have any clothes at all to wear at the moment so he needed to change that

(That is a different chapter for another time cause he will get the letters for the rooms he might even try to spell out their names)


James returns home with bags and bags of clothes he had purchased for the girls cause they were going to need a lot for at least a couple of months, and he was going to get the diapers and everything else he needed later like before they come home from the hospital. He was going to see how much they weigh for sure before he gets the size they were going to need before they come home for sure. He was going to do a parenting class to make sure he was going to do everything right

"Okay time to fill their closet with pretty clothes" he says a she was getting the bags out of the car so he could fill the closets and the drawers as well with clothes, socks and anything else he had bought for them 

(Months later)

James was on cloud nine cause Emery and Savannah was going to be coming home to join the family and he was really going to be their daddy and they were going to have three cool uncles 

"Okay the rooms are ready cause i want them to be in their own room for the time being, so i don't mix them up cause they are going to be bigger and look a like cause they are identical twins which i am scared about cause i hate to call them the wrong name and once i get used to calling them the right name i will put them together" he says as he was packing the diaper bag cause the girls were going to be released to come home, and he was going to be on his own with them, and he was hoping that the girls were fully healthy and ready to come home Savannah was probably going to need to be on oxygen for a while cause she was the smallest of the two and he was okay with that and the oxygen was going to need to go in her room as well so she could breathe without any problems, and he was going to need to monitor her vitals for a bit

James grabbed the diaper bags and he was going to head tot he hospital to get the girls and bring them home from the hospital so he can start to raise them as his own daughters too


"Okay now to get the double stroller out and then the car seats and lastly the diaper bag, and head in to get the girls and bring them home forever" he says as he was going to get out since he had parked close to the hospital in the parking garage which he was happy with, so he could get the girls loaded up and if Savannah had any medical equipment she was going to need he could get that loaded as well     

James get the car seats locked on the stroller before he heads in to get the girls 

"Now to bring Emery and Savannah Maslow home forever" he says as he heads to where the girls were cause he was almost always with them when they were in the hospital cause he really did want to know them and they could know him, and he could get use to changing and feeding them when they were off their I.V's and their feeding tubes that they had to help them eat 


James sees the girls and he sees Savannah is on oxygen cause of her lungs still having troubles with getting air in her body 

"My little Savannah how are you today?" he asks as he picks her up first 

Savannah coos at him 

"I take it you are good I am going to get your sister and i will get you girls ready to come home" he says as he was going to dress them in one of the hospital rooms cause it was going to be easier on him 

The nurses was going to explain more about Savannah and give him a video to watch to help him understand her needs more then ever

"Okay I will do Emery first then i will do Savannah" he says as he was going to get started dressing the girls so they could come home   

Arriving home will be next chapter tomorrow night  

James Maslow tiny baby girls wattys 2023Where stories live. Discover now