My Savior

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     "Wha—. Where am I? Oww." I can feel myself regaining consciousness but my vision is still a little blurry. I raise my hand to my head and can feel the pounding of a headache. "Hszzszs," I literally make a hissing sound because I feel this sharp pain shooting up from my chest, my right leg, and my stomach. Of all places to be scattered. Just like water flowing up a sparkling, crystal blue stream, I can feel something creeping up my body, up in my bloodstream. Wait I remember now. Hera had put poison into the arrows before stabbing me with them.
     "Hey, sweetie."
     I hear someone say something to me. It almost sounds like my mother's voice. "Mom? Where am I? I can't see properly."
     "Yes. It's me, honey. We're in your cabin back in Foloi Oak Forest. Can you hear me properly?"
     "Only a little. Why am I in so much pain? It's excruciating. It's burning. I feel like I was thrown into a fire. How could I feel this much pain?"
     "I tried giving you some antidotes but your body keeps rejecting it. I don't know why. I don't understand. Honey... your body is going to have to fight through the poison. You have burns on your hands and you have deep arrow wounds in your chest, your right thigh, and the left side of your abdomen. Not to mention bruises and cuts that are spread in random places on you. I don't know how you got those. Your wound from the Adlet before your trip? The clawing n your stomach kept reopening after I kept stitching it up so I brought down a special kind of stitching that when it's tied, it can't reopen. Unless you do something major like a heavy fall or stretching on you. On a god or goddess, there's no possible way of it reopening. But I need to let you know since you only tolerate it when people are blunt... there's not a high chance of you making it alive with all these wounds."
     Woah. Straight to the point. She started to ball her eyes out at that last part that she said. That I don't have a high chance of making it out alive. Except this time, I wanted her to comfort me and tell me that I'm going to be ok. But I'm not worried about myself. "Where's Crius? He was hurt very badly. Very painfully. He tried to save me. But then I tried to save him."
     "Crius is resting. Unlike your body, he seems to be taking the antidote positively but very slowly. He was burned very badly. The worst areas were his arms and legs and stomach. He has smaller burns on his face. Rostris I have some more bad news to tell you."
     "What? What is it?  Does it have to do with me and Crius?"
     "Kind of, sort of. Zeus came down to help me with you guys. He's the one that helped make the antidote to heal you guys."
     "And I wonder why it's not working? He obviously just played you, Mom. He pretended to make an antidote when he really didn't."
     "But that doesn't make any sense. Why would he do that when he needs you?"
     "I don't know. Maybe because I failed the first time, he's going to let Hera finish the job. I don't even know if I want to finish the job."
     "But honey, you always finish the job. You were led into a trap, it's not your fault."
     "Ya, but I let my human side get in the way of finishing off Lynx. She probably tipped her off on me coming and left as fast as she could. Or, she wasn't even there to begin with. Either way, Lynx should be dead. And her mother too. Or at least, locked away in a place they can never get out."
     "Well, see? Now you have a new plan. But you need to rest up and heal first. I'll bring over Laelap to comfort you and I'll keep reapplying medicine and wraps to help heal you faster. When Crius wakes up, I'll let you know. I still don't know how I'm supposed to deal with him. He tried saving your life twice, but he is a fugitive."
     "Not if you hear his side of the story. But just the fact that he tried saving me instead of running and not trying to kill me, should show you that he's a really good guy and doesn't deserve to die."
    "Alright. I'm going to have to trust you on this. Plus, I can tell you and him have started to grow a connection. He protects you and you protect him. It's really nice to see you this happy when you hear his name. You finally have someone other than me in your life."
     "You can go now, Mom. Wait. Thank you, my Savior." It's too weird talking about all that lovey-dovey stuff. I'd rather show my affection through pain and stubbornness. I can't help that it's hard for me to open up to someone. I can't even open up to my mother. I can only give her thanks even though I mean it more deeply, but she might not be able to tell. But with Crius? He makes the mood so much lighter and it can really loosen you up. "Hey, Laelap. You miss me?" Laelap jumps on the side of whatever I'm laying on (probably a couch), and I rub her painstakingly till I fall asleep. I feel myself drifting off into a dream. A dream where no pain lies, only happiness. I'm hunting with Laelap like the usual, but only this time, there's somebody beside me. This person makes me happy, like how a kid gets all joyful and giddy when he/she receives candy for good behavior. Happiness only received when someone is really excited about something, like the kid with the candy. How he/she jumps up with joy just thinking about candy. Well, that's how I feel. When I think about the person on the side of me, hunting with Laelap and me, I get giddy when I see the person as Crius.

Rostris: The Hunting DemigodWhere stories live. Discover now