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     Well, nothing like starting off a conversation awkward. I told Mother I'd get my bow and arrow and set up the targeting stations. I hoisted my elegant, but discreet (for camouflage purposes), carved green and brown bow over my shoulder across my back. I grabbed ten arrows that have been made by my calloused, but soft hands and ran to the old, dying tree a mile from my house. I set up a red, environment-friendly paint and drew a target on the tree. The paint can get washed off from the rain. I set up another target on a tree that is another mile down from the first one.
     I raced with Laelap back up to Mother to await further instructions. Since she had gone in my head earlier, she knows I want to work on my patience and quick thinking skills. So, she told me to imagine that I'm in a scene where there are swords and centaurs and people all around me in chaos. There would be shouting and yelling and screaming like a war. I vision the area in my head as charcoal colored smoke everywhere and people in ripped clothes from them toppling over each other. To work on my patience skills, I center myself. I realize that I need to be the one in focus in order to hit my target. I draw an arrow and place it on my bow, whilst my fingers are fighting to stay stable. While I slowly draw my arrow to my jaw, I breathe in deeply, but slowly turn my bow to face the first target. I close my eyes and... swoosh, I released the arrow.
     Everything around me just suddenly turned in slow motion. I hear something. It's very faint. It sounds loud. It sounds like a voice. I open my eyes and turn around to find my mother, Artemis, excited and she's saying,
     "Rostris! Look what you did! I'm so proud of you! Ahh! Turn around honey. You went beyond what was expected. Ah! I'm so proud of you!"
     As I try to comprehend what Mother was shouting in my ear, I slowly turn around.
     "Oh. My. Gods. The arrow went through both trees! And the bullseyes!"
     I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I didn't realize I was that good.
     While I'm looking at my masterpiece, I hear that god-like wind sound that comes when there's a god or goddess' presence there. I hear my mother gasp and I cautiously turn around. There standing near my mother, is Zeus, king of the Greek Gods and god of the sky and thunder. He's also...  my grandfather.

Rostris: The Hunting DemigodWhere stories live. Discover now