Mother, Please Guide Me

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     "Mom, what should I do? What would you do?" I ask, turning to my mother for guidance.
     "Honey, this is a difficult decision. I would think of it as pros and cons. Look at it this way, you would be stopping a catastrophe from getting worse. You would be saving all the living creatures and humans that are in those forests.  Plus, you would be proving how amazing you are at your skills. It would make me so proud."
     "But... mom... you never said what the con would be."
         Artemis looks down at her human-formed hands, wishing she hadn't seen the look on Rostris' face when she said that.
     "Look, I know you only like to be told straight up what's what. So here it is; the con would be you not making it back. But... but! I have complete, strong faith that you will be able to finish the assignment and come back strong and healthy. That's how I raised you to be."
     Even though I don't like the sound of the con, I still have the reassurance of my mother and that's enough for me. I still don't know my decision yet, hopefully I will after a night's sleep. I say goodnight to my mother who will most likely go back to Mount Olympus to discuss further with Zeus and come back in the morning to hear my final decision. I turn off the lights of the house and walk to my bedroom with Laelap. She has her own pet bed filled with printed pillows made from feathers. My bed, ugh, I love my bed. It's so comfortable and fluffy, I wish I could lay in it forever. I made the frames and heading from the wood from the oak trees and my mattress is also made from feathers and  pillows. It's the perfect combination. As I lay in bed, I think about Zeus' request. I guess if I took on the challenge, I would not only save hundreds of creatures and humans, but it would also prove my worthiness of the gods. Plus, it'd help with my hunting skills. But, this isn't going to change my feelings for Zeus. He can rot in hell for all I care. Well, I guess that's a little harsh. I guess I've made up my decision. Sleep, I summon you. As Buddhism is about spirituality and meditation, I too, leave my body and soul into a peaceful, restful dream.

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